Glitch has Escaped

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Chapter 1: prisoner 34 is gone

"Hi I'm doctor Anderson working with prisoner 34" a doctor says smiling into a camera. A young teenager sits strapped in a seat wrapped up. "Hello what is your name" he says to the teen as his writing notes. "My name is Corrina Smith" she says looking at the camera and at him.
               "Prisoner has glitchy moments at 1am and is 1 in 3..2..1" the doctor says holding a gun in his hands  pointing at her. The girl screams as her body slowly turns into an old television that glitches when it's broken. Her eyes grow Black with her teeth sharp as a knife, drooling out blood as she breaks free running at the doctor. He screams loudly trying to get away but runs to the camera and says," She's real!", He begins," she'll kill us all!!!!!!" .
               Corrina kills the doctor and walks up to the camera and smirks eating the camera as she makes an escape through the ceiling to the outside world she used to call home.

     (Back with more stories makes sure to stay active for the chapter 2 of The Glitch love you all thanks for reading byeeee)

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