Artemis- See. Not all of us are rich billionaires *Stares at robin*

Robin- *Shrugs not my fault*

Dick- So, how did you do it?

Donna- Do what?

Dick- Quit.

Donna- I didn't quit. I just stopped.

Dick- How is that different?

Donna- You'll figure it out. Really. The hardest part is it just takes time.

Dick- You mind if I hang at your place a while? I'm fine sleeping on the couch

Donna- It's got your name on it. Stay as long as you need As long as you've still got game.

*Donna runs forward and flips over a truck*

Oliver- Wow.

Barry- Yeah, wow.

Dick- Fuck me.

Donna- Im waiting.

*Dick follows by jumping up and flipping off*

Donna- Oh, Ive missed you boy wonder.

Dick- *Chuckles* Thats my favorite one.

Wally- You're nicknames are hilarious!

Robin- Zip it Flash Boy.

Wally- Dude. *Looks away betrayed*

*Other members snicker*

Donna- I've got a showing of some of my work later. Why don't you come along and hang out with some fabulous, normal people? How does that sound?

Dick- Great. Too much?

Donna- Yea a little bit.

Dick- Yeah?

Donna- Yeah. Why am I doubting this idea already?

Scene Change

(A/N skipping a few dick scenes bc there isn't anything really going on)

*Donna taking pictures of the animals that Graham Norris brought illegally*

Graham- Some of them will pay a small fortune for the privilege to hunt this bear, and then sell it off for parts.

Donna- Hunt? And how does that work, exactly? Well, the bear's sedated, men are well armed, the outcome's not in question.

Graham- For you, sweetheart, it's on the house. Go on. Have a shot.

Donna- Sorry. The only thing i point at animals is a camera.

Graham- Well, in that case, you got what you came for.

Donna- Thank you for your time, Mr.Norris. It's been a real education.

Graham- My pleasure, Donna. I'm sure we'll meet again.

*Dick drops from the ceiling and beats the guys up and knocks them out*

Donna- Dick, what the hell are you doing here?

Wally- I swear he is a ninja!

Robin- It is in my nature.

The Many Lives of Dick Grayson (DISCONTINUED lmao)Where stories live. Discover now