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Wanda's POV

It is not real.



Fake. It must be fake.

Pietro cannot be dead. I will not allow it.

I collapsed to the ground in the hollowed out church, screaming in agony as the echo of gunshots faded away. My brother was dead because I was not there to protect him. Pietro died because I was selfish, I wanted revenge only to change my mind last minute, dragging him with me.

But I will not allow my brother to die in vain.

I stood up, feeling the power surge through my body as I used my energy to crush the Ultrons around me, turning their bodies into ash. My eyes glowed a haunting scarlet as I propelled myself through the air, heading for the train that contained the last monstrous robot. Bursting through the door, I found Ultron weak and blubbering, his body malfunctioning as I floated towards him.

"Wanda, please, don't do this." He pathetically tries to beg for his life, but his pleas fall on deaf ears. "They will only fear you if you do."

I stared him blankly in the eyes as I stuck my hand in his chest, ripping out his mechanical heart. "Let them." I spoke emotionlessly as I crushed the last Ultron, watching the light dull in his eyes. Satisfied that he was really gone, I stood and walked out of the train, flying over the pieces of debris that would have been a hassle for me to climb over. I didn't know where exactly I was going, I just knew I had to find Pietro now that his murderer was dead, too. Figuring that the Avengers would most likely not leave his body behind, I made my way solemnly to the helicarrier where Natasha Romanoff was waiting. "Where is he?"

"He's gone, Wanda." Never one to sugarcoat, the Black Widow explained to me that Pietro died protecting Clint Barton and a civilian, being gunned down by an Ultron. I blinked back my tears, staring down the Russian woman in front of me.

"Where is the body?"

Her face softened when I asked the question and I could've sworn I saw pity in her eyes. "Wanda, there was an explosion when we went to get him...we couldn't recover his body. I'm sorry." Anguish pulsed through my veins as I realised my brother would not get a proper burial, that he died alone without me there to hold him, that he died because of me and I can't even do right by him in death.

I fell to my knees, numb. I barely registered Clint pulling me onto the ship or the helicarrier departing. I did hear Captain America ask me if I could ease the city back to the ground, which I tried to slow the descent with the help of Iron Man and his technology. There was irreparable damage, but not nearly as bad as if we let the city free fall.

I came back to the present when Clint shook my arm, asking if I was okay. I nodded slightly, looking up to the sky with a small smile. "I guess I'm the older twin now, brother." Clint smiled sadly, pulling me into a hug as I broke down with grief.

Two Days Later

"So Wanda, you are always welcome to stay with me and my family on our farm if you'd like." Clint mentioned yet again, handing me a steaming mug of coffee.

"I could always use the company, too, and us ladies gotta stick together right?" Natasha winked, clinking her cup with mine. I nodded absentmindedly, so deep in thought that the agents in the room could tell what was on my mind. "You don't have to stay with either of us, you know. Even though you are only fifteen, you are quite mature. We could arrange for SHEILD to set up an apartment for you or-"

I cut her off with a shake of my head, a grateful smile on my face. "Thank you so much, both of you. But if this whole experience has taught me anything, it is that family is the most important part of life. So, I must be leaving the Avengers." Clint and Natasha frowned, exchanging glances as I sipped on my coffee. It was Clint, ever the worried father, to ask where I would go and what I would do. "I have a cousin in Gotham who has been making headlines. I think I will pay him a visit, see if he remembers me."

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