Part 72

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I talk with Shuri for hours. She understands what she's meant to do relatively quickly. I can't help but feel disappointed.
I drag a chair to the area I used to sit. Look over the city as I used to do. Wakanda hasn't changed much.
'I know how to do it.' She says, her voice gentle and understanding. She knows that there is more to this for me than doing it.
'How long?' I ask.
'If I set things up tonight, get everything ready...I can have it done by tomorrow.' She says. She places a hand tentatively on my shoulder, 'I know what this means for you. I'm sorry.'
'I knew what I was signing up for.' I say, but my voice catches. Despite everything I've been through, despite the thorough life I've lived - I'm terrified of what comes next. Whether there is a next for me, this version of me.
'I can give you a day. You can go do whatever you need to do. If you want to.' She says.
'I can't change things more than they've already been changed.' I say.
'Tony,' She says, 'this world is already a different one to the one you know. If you stay quiet, stay smart, you can say goodbye.'
'Thank you.' I say. I know this isn't fair, I shouldn't do this. But I need to do this. I can't go without doing it.

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