Part 7

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I hear the jet far before Clint. He seems to be having trouble with his hearing, he tells me it's been going on ever since Sokovia. He doesn't tell me any more, so I don't push it.
We both stand outside as the jet slowly lowers to the ground. Ever since Tony and Steve fought and the division began, I've only seen He people on Tony's side. Rhodey, Vision. Not many.
I stay back as the jet lands, watch as the doors open. Steve is the first to appear. Clint walls up to him, hugs him tightly. They stay like so for a couple of seconds, before breaking apart. Clint moves on to great Rhodey who follows behind Steve.
'Pepper.' Steve says, walking up to me. He stops a few feet short.
'Hey Steve.' I say, smiling slightly. I always imagined when I saw him again, it'd be because him and Tony made up, they were on good terms again. I didn't think it'd come to this.
'Anything from Tony?' He asks, hesitant.
I stare at him, my mind stopping. I shake my head, tears pricking in my eyes. He sees that I'm upset and he quickly moves forward, wraps his arms around me. And the years spent apart don't matter any more. He is my friend again and he knows how scared I am.
'I have no way of knowing.' I say, 'I have nothing.'
'We'll look for him.' Steve says, 'we'll find him. I promise you.'
'What's next? What do we do now?' I ask.
'We regroup.' He says, 'find out who we still have. Figure out how we can help everyone right now. We need to deal with the problems at hand.'
'Yeah. Yeah, okay.' I say, as Steve steps back. I see everyone who came back with him. Rhodey, Natasha, Bruce and a raccoon. I don't question anyone being here.
It's started to get dark and the clouds are starting to gather. We don't have Thor to call off the bad weather so instead I move towards the house.
'Everyone's welcome as long as they need.' I say, leading the bloodied and bruised group, 'Tony went overboard on designing the house. We have enough rooms for most of you, some will have to share. And you can use the dining room as a meeting area. Whatever you need.' I open the door, Steve beside me.
'Thank you, Pepper, we appreciate it.' Steve says.
'Of course.' I say, before pausing. I feel sick and panic for a moment, before running to the toilet. Steve and Clint are close behind me, the rest hanging back.
'Sorry.' I say, after throwing up in the toilet for about the fourth time today, 'I'm not feeling well.'
'Are you okay?' Steve asks, concerned.
'It's a bug.' Clint says, 'it's been going round.' He looks at me briefly, keeping my secret safe.
There's a brief pause, and I scramble to fill it.
'The dining rooms in there.' I say, pointing down the hallway, 'it'll fit everyone. I'll start fixing up beds and if anyone needs any medicine or anything, it's all in the furthest door on-'
I'm cut off by a shout. Rhodey's voice.
'There's a plane!' He shouts, and I walk towards the window, look out.
'Please.' I say, under my breathe, 'please, Tony.'
'That's my guys.' The raccoon says as I reach the front door, open it. I stand back, too scared to go any closer.
The plane lands, and the doors open. And he comes out of the door, blood covering his face, his body. He walks with a limp, looking like death itself. I let out a cry and run to him. Because he's back. He's home. Half the universe is gone, but he still came home.

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