the one with Prom

Start from the beginning

We do this with each man, William, Jacob, David, Jason, and Eddie. "Tell us about yourself young man," Eddie says with a smirk. "I'm eighteen, I play baseball and football. I'm going to college in Texas on a sports scholarship, I have a baby sister, and I live in a really big house with my parents, Kate, and her dad." They all look at each other and nod approvingly. My face burns. "You guys realize we're just friends. He's my best friend and he has been since he was one and I was born." They were acting like my dad when I had first brought Gunner home. They all back up, giving us space. "Doesn't matter babe, even if he's just a friend, we're going to make sure he checks out. We don't want some fake dick making you sad." Jason says, pulling me into a hug. I hug him back with a laugh. "Of course," I say pulling back. I check my phone and smile sadly. "You guys have to get back to work. I'll see you on Monday!" They nod and I wave goodbye.

As we get into the truck he looks over and smiles. "I'm happy for you." I look over at him questionably but he's already looking out the window. I start driving us home and think about what he said. Was it an actual compliment or was he just mocking me? I clear the thoughts. Life was going pretty good at the moment, no need to overwork myself for something as simple as this.


The next week passes and we did nothing. In every class, we just hung out and talked. Autumn and I had lots of fun gossiping about people. We also talked about her and Ryan's relationship. Apparently, they kissed the night he had asked her to prom. They just recently had sex for the first time together and supposedly it's the best sex she'd ever had. It made me happy that she was so content with him and her life. She deserved it.

As I open my eyes to someone yelling from the door I let out a loud groan. "Come on Sweetie! You need to get all dolled up! Graduation is in less than three hours." Lee yells, turning on my light and going to wake up Stryder. Anna comes into the room with some dresses and her makeup kit. She closes the door and makes me take a shower. She sits on the toilet talking to me about my plans for college. I get out, drying my body. I sit on the toilet and she blow dries my hair for me. Once it's fluffy and dry she makes me put on the dress I'd chosen as my favorite. Once it's on and making my body look really hot, she sits me down on my bed so she can do my makeup. It's a simple look that matches the red dress I was wearing. Once that's done, she curls my hair then braids two strands in the front to make me look like I was wearing a crown.

I slip on my black heels then stand in front of my mirror. I looked absolutely stunning. I blush. "I actually look really good, thank you, Anna!" I say, my eyes watering. I hug her tightly. I sniffle, making sure no tears would ruin my makeup. "Your mom would be so proud of you beautiful. You've done well." I smile with so much appreciation a tear escapes. I quickly dry my eyes, trying my hardest to not ruin the makeup.

We walk out of the room together and down to the kitchen. We meet my dad putting a tie on Stryder. My heart fills with joy. My dad finishes and he turns around to look at me, by now Anna was gone. His face is in complete shock, mine a red mess. Before either of us can fix ourselves, Anna takes a picture of our reactions. My face burns even brighter. Stryder still looks at me as if I'm the best thing he's ever laid eyes on. "You better quit undressing my daughter with your eyes, son." My dad says sternly. My eyes widen. He lets out a loud hearty laugh. "One sir, we're just friends, two," He turns to me with a smile. "You look fucking radiant." Anna gasps and he looks at her with a sorry smile. She rolls her eyes with a smile. He walks toward me. "Seriously, you look hypnotic. Gunner's going to realize what he lost tonight." My heart warms. He could be nice, he really could.

I put my hand on his chest. "You actually look very dashing." His cheeks tint pink. I smirk and walk to the table, grabbing the noticeably smaller cap and gown. Then I grab my phone and walk to my dad's car. Stryder grabs his stuff then follows me. Anna looks at him incredulously. "What, we sit next to each other, might as well ride together." I look him dead in the eye. He smiles as if he didn't know. "My last names' Hart. Get your shit together O'Brien." His eyes sparkle as he laughs. He walks to his mom's car and gets in. They drive out of the garage as my dad and I follow. I look over and see him tearing up. My heart aches. "Oh dad, don't cry! You're going to make me cry." He smiles lightly.

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