~ Twelfth Chapter ~

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As Julius said, Harper was cured of the poison given by Chaz. After the wizards took Avalon to the camp, Emmet and Nathan went to check how many victims they had. The police said some bandits came and started shooting at them. When they asked them about bites on human bodies, they blamed bloodthirsty dogs. Even to tell them the truth, they would not believe them. There were plenty of dead. The rest were unconscious. They switched them to the hospital. They assumed that Avalon cured them when she threw that light. They did not have serious wounds, but fewer difficulties.

Harper, who woke up the next day at the hospital, asked them to tell her what had happened. When they explained everything to her, she broke into laughter. As proof that all is true, Nathan created a small lightning in his hand. It shocked her, but she did somehow succeed in accepting all this.

Soon the school started. Nobody mentioned anything about winter holidays. Nathan was still a little sad. Weekends passed, and there was no trace or voice from Avalon. It seemed as if she had fallen to the ground. Julius told him that it would take her time to recover, but he already knew there was something else out there.

He returned home from school. Emmet and Harper came to him in his house. They made coffee and took biscuits. Emmet's younger brother promised not to tell anyone. And even if when he did, who would have believed him?

They were sitting in Nathan's room and eating a biscuit box. They talked about school and assignments, but they were all concerned by what happened to Avalon. They wanted to go to visit her, but this was not possible.

"I'm missing her..." muttered Emmett.

"I have to thank her for saving me. I owe her." Harper smiled.

"We all miss her..." said Nathan.

He gazed out of the window.

"Who is Judal?" he muttered to himself.

"That's what I was wondering. Because of him she broke and used all her magoi." said Emmet calmly looking at the ceiling.

"We'll ask her when she comes back." Harper said smiling.

"If she comes back..." Nathan added sadly.

That fact they slapped them across the face. What if they never see her again? What if they never talk to her again?

"She'll be back. She must come back." Emmet said seriously.

His eyes turned to the ball that stood on his desk.

"From now on I decided to wear a katana everywhere with to me." Emmet added.

Nathan laughs at it.


"At that moment I felt terribly helpless, Nathan. I must have some kind of defense if we ever find ourselves in such a situation again." explained Emmet.

"I do not think so..." Nathan murmured.

"You do not know that. Well, I'm still Avalon's candidate." said Emmet, laughing.

Nathan and the others laughed at it. Then there was a knock on the window. Nathan's heart stops on it. He ran to the window. He opened it and saw the famous pink haired girl.

"Avalon!" he screamed and pulled her inside.

They hugged each other strongly with a big smiles. She was wearing jeans, a t-shirt, a jacket and a boots. Common for her. Harper and Emmet joined them. After they all hugged, kissed and cried, Avalon smiled to them and sat down on Nathan's desk, waving with her legs.

"I overheard your conversation. I am glad that each of is well." she said and looked at Emmet. "Especially you, Emmet."

"I know, I know." he said, and passed his hand through the black hair.

Avalon giggled.

"Yet you are my King Vessel."

"King Vessel?" he asked frowningly.

"This means a candidate for the throne." she said, and winked.

"Finally, it's over." Harper muttered.

"People, it's not over yet. By the summer you'll all be sixteen, don't you?"


Avalon nodded. They all look at her questionably.

"I'm not going back to school, leaving town." she said.

"Why?" Harper asked.

"Avalon, do not!" said Nathan.

"Peace, peace." she said smiling. "Let me finish. I have to find a dungeon for Emmet. The day after you finish school I'll be back for you and we will go to Arabia."

"To Arabia?" Emmet asked raising his eyebrows.

"Yeah, we are gonna clean the dungeon to get you a Djinn, and we will go to visit my teachers and the place where I lived."

Nobody said anything about it. They just nodded their heads. Avalon smiled and hugged them all. She sits in the window and looks at them all.

"Be ready by then. I'll be back for you."

"Do not worry!" they shouted all in one voice.

She jumped from the Nathan's room and headed for the woods. Nathan smiled. They will see her again. He just needs to push through to the end of school. Good luck, Avalon.

City of Shadows (Magi fanfic; First Book)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن