~ Sixth Chapter ~

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"You're late!" Avalon exclaimed when she saw Nathan, Bryan, Mickey, and Harper coming towards her.

Mick looked at the clock.

"We're just a minute late!" he said.

"Minute or ten minutes, still late." she said and smiled.

"I had to wait for them, they slowed me down." Nathan added.

"Oh, it's our fault now?" Bryan asked.

"Yes, yes, you can not deny it."

"It's actually Harper's fault." added Mick.

"Well, I had to tie my ponytail!" Harper protested.

"Okay, okay. It does not matter ..." muttered Nathan.

Harper grabbed Avalon under her arm and pulled her forward, away from the boys. The guys stayed behind them, leisurely walking and enjoying fresh air.

"Why didn't Chaz come?" Nathan asked.

"He said he had something to do." Bryan answered. "I don't think so..."

"Yeah, he just doesn't want to hang out with Avalon." says Mick casually.

Nathan narrowed his eyes. Chaz really knew how to behave like a big dick sometimes.

"I don't understand what's wrong with him and Avalon ..." he murmured thinking about it.

Mick and Bryan look at him. Then they both shrugged and sighed.

"Avalon is really okay." said Mick.

"I don't see why he hates her so much." added Bryan.

"Can we change the subject?" Nathan asked quietly.

"Of course." said Mick.

"You're right. This topic is really irritating." said Bryan.

Girls were pulling them all afternoon at various stores. Each of them ended up with ten bags in their hands. Specifically, Harper was pulling them everywhere. And guys and Avalon, but she didn't mind. She was having fun with Harper and the rest. She seemed happy. It is probably difficult to be a magician. Finally she got a chance to relax.

At the end they all came to their favorite cafe where they ordered the usual: coffee and donuts. They sat at their usual place and talked about completely irrelevant topics like school, love, friends, and family.

"You lived in Arabia?!" exclaimed Harper.

Avalon nodded, smiling.

"Is really hot there?" Bryan asked.

"This is the first question that you want to ask about Arabia?" Avalon raised her eyebrows with a smile on her face.

"Well... I was always wondering..." Bryan said, smiling.

"It's hot, so people wear light clothes."

"Is it nice there?" Mick asked.

"Beautiful, I enjoyed it while I was living there."

"Are there still slaves there?" Harper asked.

Avalon's face had a strange expression. Expression Nathan has never seen on her face before. Some mix of fear, sadness and horror. However, it disappeared quickly as it came.

"Sorry..." she whispered. "The shops of people are common."

"That's awful!" Harper sighed.

"Have you ever seen one?" Bryan asked.

City of Shadows (Magi fanfic; First Book)Where stories live. Discover now