"Love youuu!" Beverly sings, waving to her parents and her sister before walking into the classroom. Harry and Louis stand up, Adalyn in Louis' arms.

"When'd she get so grown up?" Louis sighs. He looks over to Harry, who has tears streaming down his cheeks. "Oh, Hazza."

"I'm sorry," Harry sniffles, wiping the tears off his face.

"Let's get out of here before you flood the place," Louis teases, slipping his hand into Harry's. Harry pouts, but he squeezes Louis' hand, and they walk out of the school.

"Oh my gosh, where did Adalyn go?" Louis gasps, looking everywhere except where Adalyn is hiding behind an arm chair. Louis sighs. "I guess I'll have to go eat all of our fruit snacks myself..."

"No!" Adalyn pops out, running passed Louis towards the kitchen. Louis laughs and rushes to grab her, lifting her up and turning her upside down while she squeals.

"What do we say when we want something, Adalyn Mae?" Louis asks.

"Peas! Peas!" Adalyn screeches. Close enough. Louis flips her back around before walking over to the cabinet. He pulls out a bag of Disney Princess fruit snacks, and Adalyn gasps. "Tank you, Dada!"

"Of course, princess," Louis kisses Adalyn's chubby little cheek before opening the little bag, handing it to Adalyn. Adalyn immediately pulls out a fruit snack and eats it.

"Where's your Papa, bub?" Louis asks. "Haven't seen him in a little while."

"Dunno," Adalyn sings. "Dunno, dunno, dunno."

"Hm," Louis carries Adalyn and her fruit snacks out of the kitchen and up the stairs. He goes to the bedroom to see Harry fast asleep on the bed, and Louis grins. "Papa's pretty when he's sleeping, huh?"

"Mhm," Adalyn nods, although Louis' sure she doesn't know what she's agreeing to. Louis sets Adalyn down on the bed, and she immediately crawls over to Harry, patting his cheek. "Papa, Papa, Papa."

Harry groans, his eyes fluttering open. He grins sleepily as soon as he sees Adalyn, wrapping his arms around her and nuzzling his face into her hair. She just eats her fruit snacks. "Hi, babe."

"Dada's babe," Adalyn replies, almost reminding Harry. Harry giggles, and Louis smiles adoringly.

"Yes I am," Louis agrees.

"Hi, Lou," Harry gives Louis a sleepy smile.

"Hi, beautiful," Louis greets. "Have a nice nap?"

"Mhm," Harry closes his eyes and yawns. "Dunno why I'm so tired."

Ozzy lifts his head from where he's laying on the carpet, seeing that Harry's awake and walking over to the bed. "Oz!" Adalyn squeals, giggling when Ozzy starts to sniff her all over.

"I miss Beverly," Harry pouts.

"I know, baby," Louis says sympathetically, patting Ozzy's head and laying down with Adalyn and Harry. "Only a few more hours." He takes Harry's hand in his own and brings it to his mouth, kissing it. Harry smiles weakly.

"Papaaa!" Beverly sprints into the house as soon as Louis unlocks the door, jumping into Harry's arms. The both of them couldn't go to get her since Adalyn was taking her nap, so Louis offered to get Beverly and bring her home.

"I missed you so much, Beverly Rue," Harry mumbles, grinning as Beverly leans back from him with a huge smile on her face. "What'd you do at school?"

"I read books!" She exclaims. "And I made three new friends, and I told the teacher all about you and Daddy and Adalyn!"

"Sounds like you had an awesome day!" Harry smiles. "Would it make it even more awesome if I told you we're having macaroni for dinner?"

"You're the best Papa in the world!" Beverly exclaims. Harry laughs while Beverly kisses his cheek.

They eat their macaroni for dinner (well, the majority of them. Adalyn misses her mouth pretty often. Ozzy ate more of her macaroni than she did) and the kids are in bed by eight, leaving Harry and Louis alone.

"You're such a good father," Louis mentions. Harry's laying against his chest as they wash the telly. Harry lifts his head up to look at Louis, giving him a soft smile. "I'm so in love with you."

"Yeah?" Harry presses his cheek against Louis' chest, still looking up at him.

"You're so beautiful," Louis kisses Harry's forehead. "And wonderful. I can't wait to marry you. Soon, I hope. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."

Harry's smile grows larger. He lowers his head so he's looking straight ahead of him instead of up at Louis. "I'm pregnant," He practically whispers. Louis' breath hitches.

"Wait," Louis says, and Harry bites his bottom lip to keep from smiling too wide. "Wait, seriously?"

"Seriously," Harry nods, sitting up straight to look Louis in the eye. "I'm pregnant, seriously."

"H-Harry," Louis gasps, attacking Harry in a hug. "Holy shit! Another baby!"

"Another baby," Harry giggles and nods. "Three kids."

"When'd you find out?" Louis asks, putting his hands on Harry's cheeks. "How'd you find out, oh my God!"

"A few days ago I took a test," Harry sniffles, eyes becoming watery as Louis strokes his cheek with his thumb. "I was having the symptoms, I know how it feels by now. I know you're supposed to wait until the doctor confirms it, b-but I just know. I know my body, we're having a baby."

"Hazza," Louis beams. Harry crawls across the bed and opens his bedside table drawer, pulling out three pregnancy tests and handing them to Louis.

Two lines.

Two lines.

Two lines.

Louis laughs giddily, putting his hand on his forehead. "You..." Louis shakes his head in amazement. "Are incredible."

"Oh, stop it," Harry giggles, flipping his hair over his shoulder exaggeratedly. Louis laughs again, dropping the pregnancy test on the bed again before grabbing Harry by the face and kissing him.

And to think, it all started with a One Night Stand.

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