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Harry: Sorry to bother you, just wanted to let you know I hit three months today. :)

Louis: ur not bothering me that's so exciting!!!

Louis: don't be afraid to come to me w baby stuff I'm living for this

Harry: I'll keep that in mind.

Harry: You said you were in the states, why is that?

Louis: my mates and I flew out for a music festival

Louis: and we decided to make a long trip out of it so I'm doing some stuff for the company I work for over here

Harry: Where do you work?

Louis: BuzzFeed

Harry: I can't believe I let someone impregnate me who works for BuzzFeed.

Louis: hey BuzzFeed is ace

Louis: I make good money editing videos

Harry: I'm sure.

Louis: no really!!!

Louis: and I've met emma watson

Harry: Never mind. Sounds like a great place to work.

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