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hi harry breastfeeds in this book if you don't like it please for the love of god just shut up about it

it's amazing the amount of people who will be like "yay so cute!!" when he pushes a baby out of his ass but when he breastfeeds the baby he shat out they're like "uh ew that's kind of weird"

i have been on this app for too long and i am bitter

"So when does she...like...grow hair?"

"That's what I'm wondering," Louis mumbles, sitting across from Niall at the kitchen table. Niall's holding Beverly, an obvious nervousness in his expression. Liam's at the head of the table, and he just looks very bewildered. Like it's odd for him, seeing Louis with a baby. How could it be, Louis' has so many siblings. He probably looks at Beverly very differently, he supposes.

"So how does it...feel?" Niall asks, his anxiety clearly increasing when Beverly makes a snuffling sort of noise. Louis grins and shakes his head.

"Weird," He admits. "Really, really weird. I still can't wrap my head around the fact that she's mine."

"How's Harry?" Liam asks. "Are you two getting along alright?"

Louis twists his mouth, wincing at the memory of the argument they had in the lounge that morning. He doesn't even remember how it started, he just remembers Harry ending up being right, and him feeling so horrible about it. Beverly had started to cry, and Harry left the room to go get her, and the fight had ended.

"It feels very...different," He shrugs noncommittally, like that's not the term he's really thinking of. "Suppose the honeymoon phase is over."

"I would think most new parents feel that way," Liam points out. Louis traces the swirly patterns of the wooden table with his fingertip. He doesn't think Liam quite gets it, this continuous sinking feeling that has been in full effect for two weeks now.

"There was such a...a spark, before she was born," Louis explains, almost ashamedly. "Like, we were so connected, you know? And now that she's here, it seems like we're drifting farther and farther apart. We get in these stupid, petty little arguments all the time. I miss him."

It feels sort of nice, getting it all off of his chest. He's been living with the guilt for what feels like so long. A few nights ago they went to bed without speaking. Louis had felt so horrible he had woken Harry up at three in the morning to apologise.

"I bet a lot of new parents get like that though, mate," Niall says. "Where is Harry anyways?"

"Upstairs, told him to go get some sleep while he can," Louis smiles when Beverly stretches her little arms out. "God knows we won't get much at night."

Beverly starts to fuss, and Niall's eyes widen. Louis is quick to reach across the table and take her. "What's the matter, love?" He coos, sticking his bottom lip out. He feels so horrible whenever she cries, no matter how annoying it can be. "I think she's hungry, lads, I have to go get Harry. I'll be right back."

Louis slowly stands up from where he's sitting, cradling Beverly as he carries her out of the room and up the stairs. Carefully he opens the door to the bedroom. Harry's sitting up, on his phone.

"Hi," Louis greets softly.

"I-I'm sorry, I couldn't sleep," Harry says quickly. "I should've come down and said hello, I'm sorry."

"Hey, it's okay," Louis assures. It hurts that Harry seems so nervous around him, and he doesn't even know why. "I know you're tired, baby, don't worry about it."

Harry just smiles wearily, reaching out for Beverly. Louis passes her over before sitting on the bed next to them. "I think she's hungry," Louis explains, frowning as Beverly's whining turns to weeping.

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