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It has been 2 months since Sakura and Chaeyeon, so called, broke their relationship off but the japanese couldn't help but hope for Chaeyeon to come back, even though knowing the reason why she ghosted her was probably that she found out. Sakura regretted cheating on her, she admits, that was the only possible reason she could think of why she was all left alone now. she hated herself of how Chaeyeon slipped away so easily—how she knew the other girl so well that it hurts just thinking how bad Chaeyeon probably is doing, I mean after all this time, Sakura wonders, is she doing okay? is she fine? i hope she is. i hope she'd finally be happy without me. She was too curious to be honest, Sakura knew how fragile she was but yet here they are, no contact from each other, not even an update, Sakura just wanted to know how was she doing the past month so she could atleast feel at ease even for a bit—but Chaeyeon?

Yena sent you a message!

you fucked up.

i guess you found out now..

i swear yena, i've been trying to reach out to her so i could apologise and make up for it.

apologise? make up? that's last thing i'd like to hear from you.

you're too late, sakura.


you might not know this and ill say it in the nicest way possible.

chaeyeon's dead.

just maybe :: kkuchaenWhere stories live. Discover now