Chapter 4

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An elven woman entered a shack carrying a wooden bucket of water. She sat down next to your unconscious body in bed. Grabbing the cloth, dipping it in the water and rinsing it off, she brought the cloth close to your head. Once you felt the water hit your head your hand instantly grabbed her wrist which made her gasp and stand up quickly knocking the water onto the wooden floor.

You panted slowly and took a deep breath as you loosened your grip on her wrist and the bed sheet.

Woman: I-I'm sorry! I only wished to clean you up!

You kicked your legs off to the side and rubbed your eyes. You then looked at her after dragging your hands down your face and covering your mouth.

(Y/n): Its fine...But a little advice that i learned. Next time a corpse is best left alone. Now where am I-"

The woman fell to her knees.

Woman: I beg your forgiveness and your blessing. I am but a humble servant.

You sat up straight and shook your head.

(Y/n): Oh no. Not doin that.

You went to her.

(Y/n): Stand.

She looked up at you shaking before standing up.

(Y/n): I don't do that serving crap. If you can tell me where I am I would greatly appreciate it.

Woman: “You’re back in Haven, my lord. They say you saved us. The breach stopped growing, just like the mark on your hand. It’s all anyone has talked about for the last three days!

You looked down and went to the window.

(Y/n): Three days? Is that how long I've been out.

Woman: Yes my lord.

You looked out at the green lit up sky letting out a long sigh.

(Y/n): Fucking in the name of all that is mother fuuuuucckk..

The woman stepped forward.

Woman: I’m sure Lady Cassandra will want to know you’ve wakened. She said ‘at once’!

You looked.

(Y/n): Guess I better go face that fire. Where is she?

Woman: In the Chantry with the Lord Chancellor. 'At once,’ she said!

The woman was about to leave.

(Y/n): Wait! What about the moon! Is it still full?!

But she was gone. You groaned and looked around. You found your weapon and clothes. You put them on and walk out covering your eyes from the sunlight.

Once your eyes adjusted, you saw twenty soldiers line the path from the cabin into the heart of the village. Doing a fist-chest salute.

You notice fifty normal people are gathered outside the cabin to see you.

You walk past the soldiers to the chantry.

Man 1 (to Woman 1): That’s him. That’s the Herald of Andraste. They said when he came out of the Fade, Andraste herself was watching over him.

Woman 1 (to Man 1): Hush!. We shouldn’t disturb him.

Man 1 (to Woman 1): Why did Lady Cassandra have him in chains? I thought Seekers knew everything.

Woman 1 (to Man 1): It’s complicated. We were all frightened after the explosion at the Conclave.

Man 1 (to Woman 1): It isn’t complicated. Andraste herself blessed him.

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