Chapter 7

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You read the invitation given to you by the messenger from an 'Enchanter' named Vivienne. The invitation reads:

You are cordially invited to attend my salon held at the château of Duke Bastien de Ghislain

Vivienne de Fer
First Enchanter of Montsimmard
Enchanter to the Imperial Court

You sigh as you ascend up the stairs of Duke Bastien's estate.

Butler: Master (Y/n) representing the inquisition.

You hear yourself get announced and reach the top of the stairs. You hand the invitation to one of the guards. As he checks it, two people, a man and a woman wearing masquerade masks come over to greet you.

Comte: A pleasure, ser. We so rarely have a chance to meet anyone new. It's always the same crowd at these parties.

Comtess: Are you here on business? I have heard the most curious tales of you. I cannot imagine half of them are true.

You raise a brow.

(Y/n): What kind of tales?

The guard returns the invitation to you which you gladly reacquire.

Comtess: Some say that when the Veil opened, Andraste herself delivered you from the Fade.

You cross your arms. If Andraste saw YOU of all people as worthy then Micolash was a saint.

???: The Inquisition? What a load of pig shit!

You look to see a man with a mask walk down the stairs while looking at you.

???: Washed up sisters and crazed Seekers? No one can take them seriously. Everyone knows it's just an excuse for a bunch of political outcasts to grab power.

You watch the man circle you.

???: We know what your "Inquisition" truly is. If you were a man of honor, you'd step outside and answer the charges.

He threatens as he raised his hand but suddenly gets frozen.

A woman appears at the other stair case and looks down at the two men while walking down the steps slowly.

???: My dear Marquis, how unkind of you to use such language in my house... to my guests. You know such rudeness is... intolerable.

The woman says before running her finger along the shoulders of the man now known as Marquis.

Marquis: Madame Vivienne, I humbly beg your pardon!

You look at the woman. This was who invited you?

Vivienne: You should. Whatever am I going to do with you, my dear?

She turns to you.

Vivienne: My lord, you're the wounded party in this unfortunate affair. What would you have me do with this foolish, foolish man?

You look at Marquis and see the fear in his eyes. You look at Vivienne.

(Y/n): If I wanted him dead I'd have cut him down the second he stepped off that last step. Besides that he's your guest. Do what you like.

Vivienne smiles at you before turning to the Marquis.

Vivienne: Poor marquis, issuing challenges and hurling insults like some Ferelden dog lord.

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