Chapter 8

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As you traverse the snowy plains beyond the safe walls of Haven, through the frost back mountains. You hold in your hand the tiny music box. The haunting tune it plays resonates with your soul, a reminder to the tragedy on which befell the family which owned the small object.

With the music box safely tucked away, you push forward with your thick cloak over your body and a hood over your head and your hat on the side of your belt, hanging on with just a clip to keep it from blowing away. You eventually come across a graveyard and stop at the entrance. The smell of blood fills the air as you pull out a curved sword with a bone hilt wrapped in withered bandages. You pull off your hood and put on your hat. The moon casts an eerie glow on the tombstones, intensifying the sense of foreboding in the air. As you approach the site, you sense a presence lurking in the shadows.

Keeping your senses sharp, you observe the surroundings. Suddenly, a figure emerges from the darkness, wielding an axe and wearing bandages over their eyes. It's the very same attacker described by the survivor. Your eyes narrow as the figure hadn't noticed your presence yet as he dragged the corpse of one of the inquisition scouts along before hacking at it with the axe in his hand.

Without hesitation, you step forward, your weapon at the ready. The figure pauses, finally sensing your presence. As the tension builds, you decide to take a different approach. You reach into your pocket and retrieve the tiny music box, delicately winding it up.

The haunting melody fills the air. The figure's eyes widen as they recognize the tune.

Gascoigne: That sound....

It seems to stir something deep within him. He lowers his weapon, a mixture of confusion and recognition crossing his face as he holds his head.

(Y/n): Gascoigne

The figure stops struggling and slowly turns while exhaling through his mouth, the cold air making his breath visible to the naked eye.

(Y/n): Your family, the pain and loss you've endured...I know you're suffering...

You speak softly, trying to reach the remnants of Gascoigne's sanity that lie buried beneath the darkness within. The music box's melody seems to echo through the graveyard. Gascoigne's grip on the axe tightens momentarily, conflicting emotions warring within him. The haunting melody weaves its way through his fragmented memories, stirring something deep within.

(Y/n): ...I can't let you take lives in this new land...unless you listen and come to your senses.

As Gascoigne and yourself stand face to face in the moonlit graveyard, the tension between them reaches its peak. The music box's haunting melody fills the air.

(Y/n): I will put you down again if I have to.

Your voice cuts through the stillness, firm and resolute. You grip your weapon tightly, prepared for the battle that lies before you. Gascoigne seethes as his head snaps up at you.

You raise your weapon, ready to defend yourself if necessary. The haunting melody of the music box reaches its climax as the tune stops. Just as the moment hangs in the air, Gascoigne lets out a primal roar and charges forward, axe swinging. The clash of steel against steel reverberates through the graveyard as you defend yourself against his relentless assault.

He swings at you again causing you to lunge back to gain distance. The Father's head snaps to the side as he then grits his teeth and spins as he combines his axe with a hilt on his back, just hanging above his torso, then swings causing a small cut on your under shirt.

Gascoigne lunges forward, swinging his axe with brutal force. You swiftly sidesteps the attack and combine your curved sword with an oddly shaped hilt on your back and spin it around as Gascoigne looks at you only for you to cut into his side earning a grunt from him as his blood splatters over a tombstone.

Bloodborne! Male Reader x Dragon age: InquisitionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora