chapter 11

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Arjic was refreshing the wet rag when Maverick opened his eyes. Arjic smiled. "You're finally up." He said.

"How long have I been out?" Maverick croaked out.

"About three days."

"No wonder I'm so thirsty. Can you get me a drink big boy?" Maverick asked.

"Yeah I'll be right back." Arjic said hurrying off to get him a drink.

Soon after Arjic left the room prince Kapa came in. Maverick smiled and said, "hey boss I wonder if I'll have a scar like you do from this."

"It's possible. How are you feeling my friend?"

"A bit better, but not yet ready to go anywhere. Hey when I get to feeling better are you going to fuck me like I did you?"

"Maverick, don't start with me. Anyway why don't you ask that of Arjic?"

Maverick frowned. "He's got Bessie to keep him company."

"Ah so that's what you were upset about. You know you can't blame him if he isn't gay. That's just stupid." Ther prince said.

"I know my prince, but I couldn't help it. I tried so hard to get him to like me, and he falls for a whore quite literally."

"It's gonna be ok my friend. You'll survive."

Arjic came back then with a pitcher of water and a glass. He put them both down on a small table close to where Maverick was laying, then he slowly helped him sit up. Maverick hissed in pain as Arjic was helping him. "Be gentle there big boy." Maverick said.

"I'm going to go back out there and  see if Menju's friend has anything for you to eat. You need anything before I go?"

"Can you hand me the glass of water?" Arjic asked. He was trying to keep Maverick propped up in his arms, but with him that way he couldn't reach the water. Kapa handed him the glass, and watched as Arjic helped Maverick get some water to drink.

"I'll see if we can't get you several pillows to prop him up anytime he needs something so you don't have to hold him up so much Arjic."

"I don't really mind doing it." He replied.

The prince left the two of them alone in the room, and went back out to where the others were waiting. "How's he doing prince?" Darla asked.

"He's looking better. He seems to be feeling better too, cause he's already started flirting with me again." Kapa replied.

"Why with you?" Menju asked.

"He thinks Arjic wants Bessie."

"That's why he was acting like that before?" Bessie asked.

Kapa nodded. "That's not the most pressing thing though. The king's most likely scouring the land to find us. Eventually he's going to find us, and we're going to be sitting ducks."

"How long until he's able to be moved?" Menju asked.

"For the stitches alone, I'd say he can't be moved for at least a month." Menju's friend replied.

"That might be too long." Kapa said.

The guy shrugged his shoulders. "I can't really rush his healing. If he tries to do anything too strenuous too soon it can pull open the stitches which can risk infection. Plus right now he's too weak to even attempt to move him."

"I wasn't planning on moving him now, but in a week or two he might be able to ride with someone." Kapa said.

"I wouldn't push him, but since it's an emergency in a few weeks we can test him, and see if it will be a danger. Right now though, he needs to sleep more than anything."

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