chapter 6

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Prince Kapa woke up the next morning and tried his best to get out of bed without waking up Menju, but as he was putting on his clothes the other prince looked up at him. "I have to go darling, but if you want I can send Darla up here with some food." He said.

"I've been cooped up in here enough. I think I'm going to go walk around the garden a bit." Menju replied.

"Ok darling. I'll see you later on."
The prince stepped outside the door and Maverick was already there waiting.

"Did you apologize last night?" Maverick asked him, as he followed after the prince.

"Not exactly." He replied.

"How do you not exactly apologize?"

"I didn't apologize. I didn't want to bother him again." The prince said.

Maverick rolled his eyes. "You really need to work on your relationship skills."

"That never seemed to be a problem with you."

"I'm obliged to do exactly what you tell me to my prince. He's not really had to obey orders like I do."

"God, I'm in way over my head on this shit." The prince whined.

Maverick wrapped his arms around him and put his head on his shoulder. "Cheer up my prince. He'd be crazy to quickly give up someone as attractive as you."

"Maverick how many times a day do I have to tell you to stop?"

"More than you probably want to." He said with a smile as he let go of the prince.

The two of them joined the king for breakfast then. The king smiled when his son walked in there. "Ah my son. How is the married life going? Are you ready to give it up yet?"

"It's going just fine father. Couldn't be better." The prince replied and he heard Maverick snort while trying to hold back a chuckle.

"I see. I wonder if your husband would say the same."

"I'm sure he would."

"Well we'll see about that. I have it under good authority that he still has been trying to be with his former lover and has not even let you touch him yet."

The prince was quickly losing his temper. The king had a reason for bringing this up, but he didn't know yet what that was. "You're source isn't always to be trusted I'm sure." He said, trying his best to remain calm.

"Maybe, but I've sent for a preacher to come here anyway. He'll be here in two days time. If by then you two still are avoiding each other, and you or your husband have found that you'd prefer something different he'll be happy to end this arrangement."

The prince jumped up from the table then. "You couldn't just leave damn well enough alone could you. I knew you would pull some shit like this to try to get my marriage to end. That's why you're letting Gabe stay here isn't it. You want him to cause my husband to cheat on me so you win our damn arrangement and I don't become king. You know what, it's not going to fucking happen. Get this trough your head my marriage is just fine, and it's not going to end just because you want it to."

The prince stormed out then with Maverick right behind him. "Prince do you really think he'd be able to get you to end the marriage?" Maverick asked.

"I don't know. If he Menju has sex with Gabe before the preacher gets here, or if we still haven't consummated the marriage and he wishes to back out of it then probably."

"What are you going to do?"

"I don't know yet."

"Would Gabe be able to talk him into leaving you?"

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