11- In the Company of Dr. D Howard

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It's been two days since I passed out in front of real-life Dom. Which means that today, I have my first therapy session with him.
I'm sat on my floor again, the cell slowly darkening as rays of light shining through the bars lower with the sunset. Counting down the mental minutes in my head until some other figure unlocks my door and lets me out.
What if I'm dreaming... I can't be. He's got to be real. He has to be-
My thoughts are quickly interrupted by the heavy sliding bolt of my door. I jump to my feet, and a doctor's face appears. I'm out of the door before he can say where I'm going, confusing the man.
"Excited for therapy, are we?" He asks in a sarcastic manner as he locks the door. I wait for him to walk before following him.
"Just... happy to put my mind in a better place." I reply. It is true, though.
Down the white corridors again, and after what seems like an age, we reach the door. The doctor nods at me, and walks away.
With almost trembling hands, I knock on the door.
"Come in!" The hearty, golden voice answers.
I turn the handle and let myself in, instantly seeing the smiling face of Dom at his desk.
"Do sit down, Matthew." He says softly. I gently close the door and take my seat opposite him. I can't stop grinning at the sight of his face; in this hellish place, to see such a kind face is unbelievable. And especially to see him, my Dominic, he's real-
I jerk back to reality, feeling heat rise to my cheeks. I've been staring at him while he was talking.
"Sorry." I apologise quickly. "It's just so strange for someone to be so kind around here, I can't quite comprehend it." I flash him a shy smile, which is returned back with a warm look.
"So, I guess we should officially start your therapy session." Dom begins. I nod, my eyes not once leaving he gaze of his beautiful grey ones.
He rambles on for a while about my multiple health issues for a while, and I take no notice of his specific words; just to hear his calm, soothing voice again makes the moment pure bliss.
" ... and it says here that your dad kicked you out of your house for the mental health issues... and being gay."
I snap back to reality.
"Uh, yeah. He did." I say quietly, diverting my eyes to the floor. Dom stops, leaning back in his chair.
"That was a pretty shitty thing for him to do. You can't help your sexuality." He says. I look back into his face, and smile a little.
"You're right. You can't help who you fall for." I reply, almost in a whisper. I feel tears prick my eyes as my mind flashes back to before- the cold nights in the treehouse, warmed by the presence of the very man in front of me, our first kiss up in the treetops, and my father; his disappointed glare at his failure of a son. The depressed, the anxious, the gay-
"Hey" Dom speaks softly, reaching out and holding my hand on the desk. "It's okay."
And I lose it.
I start sobbing uncontrollably, shaking breaths rattling my body as Dom quickly stands up and kneels down next to me.
"Matt, it's okay... you're okay now..." he reassures me, putting an arm around me gently. I drop my head into his chest, sobbing until his clean white shirt is drenched in my tears. He rubs my back kindly, both arms wrapped around me at this point as we embrace.
"You're safe, Matthew."
I missed this.
Eventually my sobs become small whimpers, yet I still clutch onto Dom's jacket as if it were a lifeline. He's still hugging me, rubbing my back slowly and rocking me gently.
He pulls away from me slowly, still holding my shoulders.
"You are going to be okay." He says softly, with confidence. I smile at him, quickly rubbing my eyes.
"I hope so. Though I don't know how much more I can take of this place." I reply.
Dom shakes his head. "This place... it's awful for such amazing people like you. Matt, you have so much potential- you just don't realise. And all you need is someone to give you that little push in the right direction to see it."
"Would you mind being the one who helps with that?" I ask quickly with a little grin.
"It would be my pleasure." He replies, beaming back as he stands up. He returns to the other side of the desk and sits down again, opening his laptop and typing quickly.
"I'm gonna book you in for three sessions a week, if that's okay, so you're out of that hellhole-"
"-of course"
He looks up at me with a little grin upon his face.
"It's been lovely to get to know you, Matt. Despite the passing out and breakdown the first times I've seen you, I'm glad you have come out happier."
I laugh a little, grinning at his happy expression.
"Well I'd say the same, but you haven't passed out or cried around me. And I guess I've seen you before, haven't I-"
I stop myself before I can go any further. Shit, he doesn't know about that. I feel my own eyes widen.
He stares at me with a slightly confused expression.
"What do you mean?" He asks slowly.
I don't reply; just keep staring, horrified, into his eyes.
I swallow nervously- my throat feels as dry as sandpaper already.
"You- You were my schizophrenia."

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