10- A Familiar Face

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A week in this hellhole, and it's felt like a year.
Solitary confinement 20 hours a day, and food so grisly it makes you want to throw up what you've just eaten.
Not to mention when they come in and force meds down your throat. It feels like choking, and dying, until you muster the courage to swallow and you feel absolutely defeated again.
I've become so thin I've considered getting through the bars of the window in my room. However it is too high up, so there's another crushed hope.
I'm sat on the floor, legs crossed, counting the seconds down until someone lets me out. It must be soon-the sun is blazing outside but there are no shadows on the building near us. Midday.
Since the medication that is routinely forced down my throat, I haven't heard the voice. Or Dom. I miss him so much; he seemed to be the only person that understood me.
I wipe the tear away from my eye as I hear heavy bolts shifting again. Before they have the chance to drag me, I stand up; my vision blurs as my head adjusts to the sudden change. The door opens and a figure steps in.
"Matthew. Change of schedule today." The man's voice cracks through the silence.
I don't answer.
"Because of how severe your last medical reports have been, we have decided at work time to instead go to therapy, with a new trainee therapist."
I nod slowly, internally feeling a sense of relief from a break of work and confinement, but also dread. What if this guy is like the rest of the people here? What if he hurts me to try and make me better?
"Come on then, I'll take you to meet him now then you can go for lunch. Your first proper session is timetabled in two days."
I nod again, and this time follow the tall man out of my dingy room and down the pristine white corridors, until we reach main block. Here, I'm led down a smaller corridor until I reach a door that reads: 'Patient Therapy: Dr H Smith' on the plaque.
Seeing I had read the sign, the man next to me says: "Dr Smith has retired just last week. The trainee Dr Howard will be your therapist now."
I don't recognise the name, so I nod again. He opens the door and lightly pushes me in, then closes me in. The doctor was dressed in white, much like the corridors, and facing away from me.
"Uh.. hello." I mumble, and he turns to look at me.
I gasp, taking a step back and my back hit the wall. His short blonde locks frame his bright face, the green eyes, the rosy cheeks...
My Dom.
"No..." I whisper. He looks at me in confusion.
"Mr Bellamy?" He asks.
I pass out.

[Dom's POV]
I'm sat in the new office, and of course on my first day, the first patient- he has passed out on me.
Looking at the now peacefully sleeping figure that I lifted and sat on my comfy chair, as opposed to the plastic one that he would be sat in to talk to me. And I know I'm just supposed to look after their mental health but...
He is beautiful.
His jet black hair sticks out in every direction, but also looks as soft as a cuddly toy. Pale skin highlights his killer cheekbones, and a jawline that I would die for.
Underneath the eyelids are the ice-crystal beautiful eyes that pierced my gaze as he walked into my office. I could stare at them all day.

[Matt's POV]
After what feels like decades of rest, I slowly open my heavy eyelids to a blurred sight.
"Take it easy mate. That was a pretty bad fall."
The sweet, soothing voice made me snap back to reality; my vision clears and I see the blonde figure sat next to me.
"Are you feeling okay?" He asks calmly. I nod, rubbing the back of my head where I smacked it on the hard floor.
"I think it would be rather mean if you stayed and I made you talk about your head when you've just had a bad bash. Do you want me to take you back?"
I can't even talk. My insides are screaming at him to let me stay, not to go back to that hellhole.
With a strong, careful grip he helps me up out of the seat. My body feels limp, but I hold myself up as he keeps an arm around me.
"You're gonna have to tell me which room you're in when we get near it, otherwise we'll end up going round in circles." He chuckles and we walk towards the door. I smile at him, giving me a chance to look into his beautiful emerald eyes once again.
This time, it felt so real. But I couldn't trust myself.
As we walked down the corridors, Dom's arm still supporting me, I hear the echoing footsteps of someone else around the corner. As he came into view, I recognised it as the man who collected me from my room earlier.
"Dominic- I mean, Dr Howard, what's happened here?" He asks.
I freeze. This can't be a coincidence.
"Matthew passed out in the meeting. I'm taking him back up to his room so he can relax; he's in no fit state to discuss his mental health at this moment."
A wave of warmth passed through me as he squeezed my shoulder reassuringly.
"Thank you for looking out for him, Dr Howard. I will take him from here." The man replies curtly, taking my arm. Dom's arm is jerked from my shoulder, and I feel cold without his touch. My legs feel like jelly again; I'm shaking all over. As the man walks me away in the opposite direction, I glance back at Dom, who is stood still in the corridor. I give him a half-smile, and he returns it along with a small wave.
We turn the corner, and I see Dom no more.
But for the man who is currently holding me to talk to Dom, must mean that he's not in my head.
What the fuck just happened?

In your world ~ BelldomNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ