9- A Lesser Reality

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Darkness surrounds my mind in the brilliant white corridors that seem endless. I'm being half dragged in a vice-like grip of the two doctors either side of me, who show little interest in the tears rolling down my pale face or the occasional cries of pain on every stumble.
I'm abruptly pulled to a halt outside a white door- the locks on the outside instantly send a feeling of unease coursing through my body. Upon the door hangs a small sign with a number on it- 10776. The doctor to my left unlocks the door and opens it, revealing the small cell which will supposedly be my new place of living.
Despite the theme of bright white continuing throughout, there is a sense of grim darkness that hangs about the place. I'm shoved in first, stumbling into the small white room.
In the corner is a rusty spring bed- draped over the thin mattress is an offwhite, thin sheet. Next to it stands a small dresser, with one draw for the one set of clothes I now own. The window is high up, and barred- no chance of escaping. A door comes into view around the corner, which I presume is a small and equally grimy bathroom.
"This is where you will be for 20 hours of your day. Here is your timetable of the day-"
A sheet of paper is thrusted into my hands.
"-you are to stay in here until dinner." The doctor finishes, his female accomplice stood just behind him with a scowl across her face.
I glance at the paper, which tells me exactly where I am for the rest of my time here:
00:00-06:00 ROOM 10776
06:00-07:00 HALL (breakfast)
07:00-12:00 ROOM 10776
12:00-13:00 HALL (lunch)
13:00-13:30 ROOM 10776
14:30-15:00 BREAK (social)
15:00-19:00 ROOM 10776
19:00–19:30 HALL (supper)
19:30-00.00 ROOM 10776

"But-" I start, only to be cut off.
"No answering back, or you will be sorry you ever did." He threatens in a lower voice, taking a stride closer to me. He towers above me, looking as if he is ready to punch me.
"Please, just let me go home." I whisper, my voice breaking as a fresh wave of tears blur my eyesight"
The doctor scoffs, taking a step back towards the door.
"That's unlucky for you. You're going nowhere. Why would your family even want you home?"
His harsh words feel like I've just had a brick thrown at me. They both laugh as they walk out of the door, and I hear the bolts scraping on the outside lock as they confine me to the tiny room.

I sink to the floor next to the bed, my hands running through my dark hair and across my face; feeling the sharp, more defined cheekbones and almost feeling my eye sockets through the skin...
I'm overcome by the loss of everything in the space of a week. The loss of my own identity in this place. The loss of my family, who can't bear to have a son who is gay. The loss of Dom, my love, my only friend...
Hoarse cries wrack my body as I rock back and forth, bawling from the grief that I've been holding in. Tiredness succumbs the anger, the hatred, the sadness, and soon I am falling to the cold ground, my eyelids struggling to stay open... and

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