6- The truth

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I stare at him in complete shock. Dom averts his eyes quickly, blushing a crimson red.
"W-What?" I stutter.
"I... I love you."
It takes me a few seconds to comprehend what he's just said.
"Listen Dom... I don't know." I eventually sigh. His face falls, and he starts to fidget with his hands.
"I like you.. alot. But I don't have good memories with past relationships at all." I say, blinking rapidly to avoid tearing up at the replay of events.
Dom looks up at me, hopeful and confused.
"What happened..?" He asks cautiously.
"Maybe that's for another time." I mumble.
There's a silence as we both stare at the floor. I clear my throat, and he looks up.
"I like you, Dom." I say, and hug him tightly. I feel him relax in my arms, and I pull away from him.
"Thank you Dom. For being so understanding about this." I say, and he smiles fondly.
"It's okay, Matt."
[1 Week Later]

We are both sat, huddled together with my coat pulled over us. Dom's arm is around my shoulders, and my head rests against his warm chest.
I listen to the steady heartbeat of Dom, as I hold my breath in. For a week now, I have been waiting to tell Dom that I love him.
"D-Dom?" I say quietly as I pull away from him to see his face.
"Yeah Matt?"
"I... I love you. I really do." I blurt out, then try and hide my face due to the embarrassment.
"Matt." He says softly, cupping my cheeks. I look up to him, and he presses  his lips against mine.
It was brief, it was rushed and messy, but it was perfect.
I smile at him, then he envelopes me i to one of his warm hugs that make my spine tingle.
"I love you, Matt." He murmurs into my hair.
After a while, I pull away again and sigh.
"I guess I owe you an explanation."
Dom tilts his head slightly, frowning.
"About me, why it took me a bit to trust you.."
He nods, and holds one of my hands as I start.
"When I was younger, about 14, I was with a guy called Tyler. We were best friends at school and all that.. he was really nice to me until I was diagnosed with depression and schizophrenia. I told him what had happened because, well, I trusted him.. and he told everyone. Broke up with me and became one of the worst people in my life." I explain flatly, refusing to spill tears.
"Matt... I'm so sorry, love." Dom says, putting an arm around me and allowing me to rest my head on his shoulder.
"You don't have to say sorry. You did nothing." I say, chuckling
"Yeah well, isn't it moral and being polite?" He replies and I could almost see his smile without looking at him.
"Thank you, Dom."
"For what?"
"For being here for me."
There's silence ages as we both try and get to sleep. I keep drowsing off, my head still on Dom's shoulder.
"Matt, you awake?" He whispers.
"Mmm hmm. Can't sleep anyways." I murmur, wriggling a little to get comfier.
"Look at the moon, it's so bright tonight. And the stars."
I open my eyes wearily and look up. Dom is right; the moon is shining bright.
"It's quite a warm night tonight." I whisper.
Dom nods in the darkness.
"Should we stargaze on the ground, by the river?" He asks, and I sit up, excited.
"Sure!" I reply, and we quickly clamber down the tree and start to walk to the river, where the stream turns into more of a bigger, more powerful water flow.
"Let's sit on this rock, here." Dom says, laying his coat down. We both lie on it, listening to the flow of water next to us, and gazing at the little pockets of brightness in space.
"Weird things, stars. Why do we love to stare at suns billions of lightyears away?" Dom says out of the blue.
I hum in response, then find his hand next to me and held it softly.
"I love you, Dom." I say, turning to face him.
"I love you more." He giggles, putting an arm around my waist.
"Shut up." I chuckle, then kiss him on the cheek.
We stare into each others eyes for what seems eternity. I can't get over Dom's eyes... they seem grey one minute, then can be green or blue. There's not real colour to them, and that's what I love about them.
"We should head back." I eventually say, and Dom nods. We stand up, Dom takes his coat and we head back. The only thing hear was our shoes crunching on the dry leaves, as we walked, our hands interlocked, back to our treehouse.
"After you, Sir." I say, bowing at him. Dom laughs at me, then climbs up and disappears into the treehouse.
I start to climb, and as I'm halfway up, a terrible feeling passes through me.
I lose my footing, and feel myself about to fall.
I scream something that makes no sense, and my senses completely stop working.
Then I was falling.
The air whooshes past my ears at an alarming rate, and I see the trees get taller, then a dull thud.
"DOM!" I yelp after I had hit the floor. My whole body is in so much pain; I can't move. Everything is blurred, and I hear dull shouting of Dom, as he races down the tree.
Then I know no more.

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