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Ugh, it that how you spell it? Acknoledgements? I double-checked, but every way I spell that makes me feel like it's wrong. 

Oh well.

I'd Like to thank OfficialDM for indirectly bringing me to Wattpad by posting your stories on Facebook. She also encouraged me to write, because of a certain creative writing project we had in 7th grade. She only heard one thing from me and thought I was a good enough writer to be on Wattpad <3

I'd also like to thank my very talented covermaker, coff33addict, for making my gorgeous cover. The reason why I decided not to make my own cover for this book was because I wanted to see what others saw it as, and her cover just blew me away. 

And I'll also thank KJJJD4, IndigoV, and Rose_A7 for their generous time put into my banners. All of you get a big smooshy hug! :D :D :D

And last but definitely not least, I want to thank everyone who read, commented, and voted. Thanks super duper much! If it weren't for you... well, my story would have a triple zero. And that'd suck.

Toodles, and Happy Reading Wattpadettes!


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⏰ Última actualización: Sep 19, 2012 ⏰

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