17_I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love_17

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"Hello, Brother." Lucifer speaks. Castiel hates his voice, hates his guts.

"Where is he."

"Hm? You'll have to speak up, Cassie-"

"Where is Dean!"

At that shouting Dean woke up, chained to the wall by his wrists and ankles. His head throbbed and he could feel his brain pulsing, making him groan. When he looked up he blurrily saw that the door was open and Lucifer was there. He couldn't see or hear that well exactly, but it'll only take him a moment to gain all his senses again. He squints his eyes shut and opens them again, seeing more clearly and hearing better. He looked up and saw Lucifer standing there with his hands up, meaning someone was pointing a gun at him. Was he being saved? The voice that spoke caused his heart to sink.

"I'm asking you again, where the fuck is my omega?"


"Oh well, you see, he's not your omega anymore." Dean's breath shuttered. Now Castiel will know, that Dean is worthless to him. "I claimed him. He's mine. My omega." Dean let a tear fall. What's the point in keeping it in anyways? All of his decency was gone. "He's my slut."

"Don't you dare call him that!" Hearing his- Hearing Castiel yell like that was scary, he was never angry around him. Ever. "Now where is he? Tell me and you just maybe won't get a bullet through your thick skull."

"C-Cas.." Dean tried to call for him.

Castiel actually heard that, and his voice, though broken, made his heart flutter. Lucifer took that moment of distraction as an opportunity to strike. He hit the gun out of his hand and landed a punch on his jaw, making him cry out in pain from the sudden action. He fought back, of course. Since Castiel was an angry alpha with a mission to save his omega, oh boy was he stronger.

The blue-eyed alpha punched his brother hard, almost knocking him out. Was he capable of actually doing that with one punch? Since Lucifer was not distracted and lost in thought and trying to remain conscious, Castiel went over to the gun, knocking him out with the butt of it. Castiel doesn't know how he got him down so easily, but that doesn't matter right now. What matters is Dean.

He runs through the metal door, putting the gun back in his pocket and going over to Dean. He looked to fucked up. He had cuts and bruises and gashes all over him.

"Oh baby, what did he do to you.." He had tears in his eyes as he looks at what the monster did to his husband.

Dean turned his head away in shame, tears building up again. He knew Castiel would never love him again. He was a mess, broken. And no one likes a broken toy.

The omega's pushed out of his thoughts when Castiel grabs his chin and brings Dean's lips to his own. God, he missed them. He pulls away soon after, resting his head on Dean's chest and hanging it.

"I'm so sorry.. this is my fault.."

"W-What? N-No, Cas this was not you fault. Not at all.."

"Yes it was!" Dean jumped at the raise of his voice. He looked into Cas's painful sorrow-filled, tear-stricken eyes. "If I had just woken up to save you.. this would have never happened.." Castiel turned away from Dean, walking over to a wall and punching it. "This is all my fault!"

Again Dean jumped, shaking as well.

"Cas, stop.."

"I did this to you.."

"No you-"

"You almost died! Because of me! Because I was too lost in dreamland to fucking save you! I vowed to protect you, to save you from any danger that may come your way and I fucking failed!"

"Cas can you just fucking unchain me."

Castiel sighed sadly, doing as told. He finds the key in Lucifer's pocket and brings it to the shackles, unlocking them and setting Dean free. He catches Dean in his arms, knowing he probably can't walk at all. Dean brought his lips to Castiel's yet again, just wanting to savor it. To kiss him like it was his last day on earth, like this kiss is something that he needs oh so deeply. He missed his lips, his scent, just him.

When they pulled away Dean spoke, "I love you so fucking much.. And I missed you so.." He started crying again. Castiel felt tears leave his eyes as well and started rubbing his back in circles.

Castiel moved to a wall, pressing his back to it and sliding down so he could hold Dean in his lap. He brings Dean's head to his shoulder and sighs again. "I loved and missed you too, so much.."

It's when he saw the dry puddle next to him when his blood ran cold. He was filled with rage yet again. Dean sensed it but took it as anger at him. Of course he would think that, it's what Lucifer did for the past week.

"Dean, w-what did Lu- He do to you.."

Dean froze.

"H-He o-only hurt m-me.."


"Cas I don't w-want to t-talk about it right now.."

"Right, yes.. okay.."

Castiel just tried to get it out of his mind as he hugged Dean hard, like this was the last time he was going to see him.

short but y'know, it's like the third chapter today or something give me a break

[5/5/19](it's passed 12 AM mkay)

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