16_It Only Get's Worse_16

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When Dean woke up yet again he felt even more miserable. Even though he hadn't put a claim mark on Lucifer, he wasn't connected to Castiel. Not anymore. It made him feel sick, the thought of never being able to see his angel again, never speaking to his alpha again, never being able to hear the beautiful voice of his Castiel ever again.

Dean just now remembered, Lucifer didn't use a condom.

"N-Nonono.." The omega winced, trying to sit himself up. When he was able to place his back against the wall he felt the now dry liquid under him. A tear fell from his cheek and onto his thigh. "God, no.."

If Dean was pregnant, which was not a high chance but it wasn't small, would Castiel even want him anymore? Him being all scarred up, beaten and bruised, a shitton of trauma, that was already enough. But there was a chance that he would take him back. Now? No way. He would never love him again.

Dean curled into a ball on the floor, starting to cry again. He hated how itchy and irritated his wrists were from the ropes, the position his arms were put were so uncomfortable. Maybe he could break out of them? Lucifer already had his fun, maybe he'll be gone for awhile. Dean only hopes..

He moved his wrists, gasping as he felt a blister turn into a cut. After a lot more wiggling that lasted about two minutes he broke free, eyes wide at the action. Maybe he could finally break out of here?

Dean tried getting up, legs shakey and ass hurting like hell, but he manages. He holds himself up against the wall, limping his way up the stairs to the door. He's praying that the door just happens to be unlocked, that he forgot to lock it once he won against Dean. Just maybe... but no. He tried turning the handle but it was locked. He was stuck, never getting out of here. Dean didn't notice himself breaking into a panic attack. His breathing sped up and more and more years fell from his eyes. He let out quiet choked sobs and wails, he just wants to be free. Why can't that happen. Why can he just be fucking free of this hell.

Dean's frustration built up along with his rage, and he punched the door. It made a loud bang, echoing through the room. It made his hand hurt. He liked that. He did it again, and again, crying out in pain with every punch. But it made him feel more numb. Dean doesn't know why, but it just felt good to do it. He eventually stopped when he heard his hand crack, signaling it was broken. When he looked down at it, it was so bloody. It was so bruised and his knuckles were-

The door was unlocked, making Dean's eyes widen. Out came Lucifer, face red with rage. Dean's blood ran cold. He was thrown down the stairs, hitting his head on the floor and knocking him out cold.

"G-G-Gabe I can't feel him! I can't feel Dean, I-I-I c-can't-"

"Cassie, woah calm down!"

"I can't calm down!" Castiel yelled, "Dean could be dead for all I know! And it would be my-" Cas falls to the floor again, tears pouring out of his eyes, "It would be my fault.."

Gabe's eyes softened, "Awh Cassie no, it would not be your fault."

"Of course it would be, I should have woken up! My own brother stole Dean right out of my arms and I didn't even notice!" Tears fell to the floor. "It's all my fault, Gabriel." He whispers his last sentence. "It's all my fault.."

Sam tapped his door impatiently while sitting in his seat at the station. Now he knows how Castiel is feeling, these officers don't give a fuck. Is it because his brother is an omega? If that's the case, Sam went to law school. He knows what strings to pull.

Finally after about a three hour wait someone came to talk to Sam. When he was brought into the office he refused to sit.

"We've been waiting for almost a week now," He asks, "Why did it have to take that long?"

"I understand sir, but you see, the missing person is-"

"What? An omega?" The officer nods nervously, "Oh, I see. So, you knot-heads are refusing to save my brother because he's an omega?"

He nods again.

Sam chuckles, and not the happy chuckle, "So you're basically saying that my omega brother is more courageous than you? Because, well, my brother would try and save anyone no matter who or what they are."

The officer get's angry at that.

"Now if you want to prove me wrong, save my fucking brother." Sam growls, "Or I'll do it myself."

The alpha then marches out of the room, not wanting to speak to the dick-bag again. In the beginning of the ABO news people weren't that hard on omegas, but now that alpha dumbasses are in power, people see them as breeding tools. Just sluts for then to breed with and then move on. The worst alpha was the one and only Donald Trump. He has always seen women as tools, but now that they literally can't fight back against them? Everything's going to hell.

A few hours later Sam was at a bar, taking shot after shot, when he got a phone call. He downed one more and picked up the phone,

"Sam Winchester?"

"That's me."

"We've located your brother, Dean Winchester, and the suspect, Lucifer Novak." Sam lets out a sigh of relief, "We're going to send some officers there soon, we were sure you'd want to be there."

"Oh my g... thank you so much.."

The cop tells Sam the location and he thanks them again. He leaves the bar, mostly sober thanks to him drinking a lot with Dean years ago, and calls Gabe.

"Hey Gabe."

Gabriel hears his phone ring and picks it up, putting it on speaker like he always does.

"Hey Gabe."

"Hey Sam, what's up?"

"They found him, they found Dean's location!"

Gabriel smiles, "That-That's great! Where is it?"

Sam tells him the location. Gabriel is about to respond when he hears the keys jingle and the front door shut.

"Oh shit.."

"Gabe? What is-"

"I think Cas heard you, he just ran out of the house."

"What? Do you have me on speaker or s-"

"I gotta go!" He hangs up the phone and runs out the door.

He almost makes it but the car speeds off, making him sigh.

"He stole my fuckin car.."

Castiel rushes home, unlocking the front door and running to his bedroom closet to get to his safe. He enters the code, Dean's birthday because he's cheesy like that, and opens it. There sat his handgun, waiting to be used. He takes it quickly, making sure it was loaded, and exits the house. He leaves Gabe's car and takes Baby, racing over to the location immediately.

When he pulled up cops weren't there yet, so he took this as his chance. His chance to get Dean back, to get everything back.

When he went up to the front door he found it locked, and so he kicked the door down. It was with one swift motion and it swung open. Adrenaline, angry alpha, and pure hatred was pulsing though his veins. He felt no pain, or anything at all for that matter.

He ran through the halls, gun in his hand, eyes dark. After running for several minutes he comes across a big metal door. He hears someone walking over and so he hides, turning the corner and gun pointed upwards in front of him. When he hears the door unlock and open he goes and faces the culprit.

Castile cocks his gun and points it at the blonde man that has a sinister grin plastered on his face. He turns and faces him, hands raised beside his head. He stares as the silver gun pointed directly at his face.

"Hello, brother." Lucifer speaks.

woah, new chapter already? yah ik, maybe expect another. i'm finally out of writers block (momentarily) i guess


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