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The graveyard is silent. Almost no people goes here. I look at the half-dug hole. That's were I'm going to live after today and until the promised after-life, heaven or reincarnation.

I step inside grave and lie myself down. Normal me would've not done this. But somehow I felt comfortable. I had finally accepted death. Excitement pumps in my heart. Looking forward to what would it be to die. Would it be painfull? Woudl it be like falling asleep? Or would it be like a blackout?

But the happiness couldn't stay long. I wondered about my family, relatives and friends. Would they mourn for me if I end up at their doorstep in a rectangular white box?

I turn myself on my back. Tears drip their way out of my eyes. My sobs are the only thing that makes noise in my silent grave.

"I don't know anymore," I mumble.

I really don't know.

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