Chapter One-Around...

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This story is for Stephen King and Graham Masterton.


The Native American statue was standing on The Reservation in Arizona.

Big Wig Wam, (as it was called), stared at the people.

"Isn't it pretty?", Jones asked.

"It's a statue, Dad; it's nothing", Nate, his son, said.

"Don't be stupid, boy! That statue has been around here for two centuries. It's sacred to this place. If you're going to mouth off, get the hell outta here".

"Sorry, Dad".

And Nate sighed...and vowed to change his ways before his Dad and Mom whupped him good at home.


"Nate, are you shitting...".


"It's a statue...".


"And you're telling me that it gets around?".

"Brad, stop pissing me off. I told you it does. At Midnight".


"I told you not to say that".

"Piss off!".


Brad stared at the Native American statue.

"Oh. Who's the big...?".

And then it moved.

And it then lifted him into the air...and broke his back with its hands. Then, once the spinal cord snapped, it continued watching the Reservation...and didn't have to get around anymore...since the sacrifice of the white man, (or, white boy's blood), was now complete.


For other Native American horror try 'The Manitou', 1975, by Irish horror writer Graham Masterton, (and the sequels); and the first story of Stephen King's Creepshow 2, 1987~~~.

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