"Why'd y'all break up?" she asked me.

"She went to college." I told her pulling into the parking lot of the mall. "Long distance ain't really my thing, so we broke up before she left."

"You think if you would've been older and went to college with her or something y'all would still be together?" I shrugged.

"Maybe, ion know. It still would've ended up being long distance though because my mama dead." I said turning off my car. "You can bring me lunch on my break, I'll pay you when you get here?"

"Mesyiah I just got home, why weren't you in school today?"

"I'm grown." I told her. "I was minding my grown folks business."

"Anyway what do you want to eat?" she asked rolling her big ass eyes.

"Chicken." I told her checking the time on my Apple Watch. "And I'm finna go in here so I'll see you in a minute."

"Alright baby boy, ima text you when I'm here." I nodded before hanging up. I got out the car and walked to the mall with a blank face because I don't want to be here.

Once I got to Footlocker and clocked in, I began working the floor. "Excuse me, can you help me?"

"What you need?" I turned around seeing a red head girl who looked familiar.

"These, in a size seven." she held up a shoe.

"That's all?" I asked making her nod, I went to the back and searched the shelves for the shoe before walking over to the girl.

"I know you." she said grabbing the box from me and looking me all in my face making me frown.

"I don't know you." I said watching her put the shoe on. "It fit good?"

"The boy from the store, I'm Kayla, remember me?" she said making me stare at her trying to remember. "I tried to slide and you turned me down."

"I do that a lot," I said nodding. "I remember you though."

"I can slide now?" she asked me chuckle and shake my head.

"Nah, I gotta girl." I said taking the shoe from her and putting it in the box. "You want these?"

"Yeah I'll get them." I walked over to the register and began ringing her up. "She's lucky."

"Who's lucky?" I looked at her confused.

"Your girlfriend, she's lucky." she saint putting money in my hand.

"We both are, I guess." I said getting her change and printing her receipt.

"I'll see you around," I nodded with a blank expression as she walked out with her bag.


"Aye brought my bestie lunch, big dot!" Tink shouted hitting them folks making people look at her crazy.

"Why you always so hype when you come up here?" I asked kissing her head and grabbing my food.

"I like seeing you," she said dancing and knocking into the shelf. "Let me stop."

"How was school today?" I asked her eating some of my fries.

"You would know if you would've been there," she playfully rolled her eyes. "It was good though, nothing too extreme."

"Got your work done?" I asked sitting a twenty dollar bill in front of her.

"Of course I did, what's this for?" she asked dipping some of my fries into the ranch and eating it.

"You bought my food mama." I told her. "Thank you."

"You're welcome and keep your money baby, my treat." she folded it up and put it in my pants pocket.
"I'm leaving though, I'm going to the Help Center today."

"Alright, ima call you when I get off." she nodded leaning in and kissing my lips.

"Bye baby."

"Do you wanna talk?" Tink asked me making me shake my head. "What do you want to do? What can I do to make you feel better?"

"I don't think you can bring my mother back to life so there's nothing you can do." I said. "I just wanna lay here and chill with you Tink, that's all mama."

"Okay." she began rubbing all on me, she did it a lot, I like it though. "Baby boy?"


"What was she like... your mom?" she asked making me look up at as she continued to rub in my hair.

"I remember this one time, Amber got her bike stolen by some other boys in the neighborhood so she came and told me and I went to go get it back, I ended up getting in a fight with the boy and losing it. My mama whooped my ass for losing that fight, I was so bad." I laughed, I couldn't sit for three days.

"Two ass whoopings in one day? Poor baby." she cooed making me chuckle.

"Damn I miss her." I mumbled. "Only person who loved my ass."

"I'm so sorry baby boy," Tink said.

"Ain't nothing for you to be sorry about, Tink." I said.

Just something I need to handle by myself.

hey bitches! if you randomly got added on Snapchat it was me so add me back bc yall not finna sit in my subscriptions.

Q22: The Parker's or Moesha?

The Parker's >>>>>

Q23: Michael B Jordan or OBJ?


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