Paragus and Broly

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"I'll teach you." The thug said jumping up. He pushed at Broly who was unfazed. Broly punched the man and as he was attacking he lost control slightly.

"Broly let him go!" Paragus yelled as Broly lifted the man into the air. When he didn't let go Paragus pulled out the remote and began to shock Broly.

Broly grabbed his collar and screamed in pain. When it ended Broly was on his knees. "What is wrong with you?!" Cheelai yelled stepping up to Paragus. "It's your fault he lost control!"

"I want you to stay away from my son." Paragus glared down at her. While she had his focus she reached in and stole the remote.

"Paragus, lord Frieza wishes to speak with you." A grunt came in the room.

"Broly," Paragus started.

"Just you." The grunt said.

"Fine. Broly stay here and shut up." Paragus shook his head and went to meet with Frieza.

Once Paragus was gone Cheelai broke the remote. "I'm not one for shock therapy." Broly looked relieved and Lemo laughed.

"Come on," Lemo said leading them to an area where they could be alone. They leaned up against a wall and gave Broly more meal bars and water.

As he was eating Broly spoke up, "this was Baa's fur." He petted the pelt wrapped around his waist. "Baa and I were friends. At first I would train to avoid his teeth but soon we became close, we became good friends. But my dad he didn't like that. He thought it was playing and he attacked Baa, shooting his ear off. After that Baa wasn't the same."

"That's such a sad story." Lemo said. "And I thought my old man was bad."

"Broly, why do you let your dad push you around?" Cheelai asked. "He's just using you to get his revenge!"

"You probably don't even like fighting do you?" Lemo asked.

Broly looked up at them. "You shouldn't say bad things about my dad."

Paragus entered the room and bowed to Frieza. "You wanted to see me?"

"Yes, we are on our way to a planet called Earth." Frieza explained. "That's where you will find Vegeta, the half breed, and the other saiyan."

"Vegeta and his daughter are going to pay!" Paragus growled.

"Indeed. I would also like to see Broly in action against them." Frieza said. "However the other saiyan, Goku, is mine. I'm sure you understand, I want my revenge. I want Goku's blood on my hands."

"Yes my lord." Paragus stammered.

Bulma landed the plane on the ice continent and Mae, Goku, and Vegeta pulled on the coats Bulma bought. Goku had a blue one, Vegeta green, and Mae's was red. They jumped out of the plane and began to look around for Frieza's men.

"It's really cold!" Goku exclaimed.

"Aren't you cold Whis?" Bulma asked. She too was covered in a cold weather suit.

"No, space is much colder than this." He replied.

"Let's hurry up and find these guys. I really hate the cold." Mae said shoving her hands in her pockets.

"Found them." Vegeta said as a ship took off into the air. He held his hand up and blasted the ship causing it to crash not too far away. The three of them flew over and Goku landed on top looking in through the window while Vegeta picked the ship up.

"Give us back the dragon balls!" Goku yelled.

"And the radar." Mae said floating up. She held her hand out in front of her threatening them.

"What do we do?" One of the men asked.

"If we give them the dragon balls then Frieza will kill us!" The other man said.

"That girl looks like she's ready to blast us!" The first man said.

Suddenly they felt a strong power entering the atmosphere. Vegeta dropped the ship and Mae and Goku landed next to him.

"You feel that?" Goku asked.

"Frieza." Vegeta scowled.

"And someone else." Mae said feeling a strong energy.

"Yea I feel it too." Goku said narrowing his eyes.

An energy ball came down clearing the sky of clouds and they could see Frieza's ship. "He really likes to make an entrance." Vegeta scoffed.

The ship landed and the door opened. Frieza and two other men walked out. "Frieza!" Goku called.

"What do you want?" Mae shouted.

"I assume you already know." Frieza smirked. He raised his hand and up floated the dragon balls over to him.

"Why don't you just give them back and leave." Goku said.

"I don't think so." Frieza almost laughed.

"Who are those two behind you?" Mae asked.

"Mae, Kakarot, those are saiyans." Vegeta said quietly to them.

"Are you sure?" Goku asked.

"Positive." Vegeta nodded.

"This Broly and his father Paragus." Frieza said. "You see your father did them an injustice by leaving them on a repugnant world."

"Let me just ask one thing." Goku stepped forward. "What's repugnant mean?"

"You're an idiot." Vegeta said.

"It means horrible." Mae shook her head.

"You are going to pay Prince Vegeta." Paragus took a step forward. "You and your halfbreed daughter."

"What?" Mae and Vegeta said at the same time.

"I'm not involved in this." Vegeta shook his head.

"That's right! We don't know what you are even talking about." Mae said putting her hands on her hips.

Broly was becoming antsy. His blood was pumping, ready to fight. "Seems he can hardly wait to get a piece of them." Frieza smirked.

"Yes, please allow Broly to show you his power." Paragus said raising his arm. "Broly! Attack!" Broly yelled and took off straight for Vegeta.

Dragonball MaeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ