Chapter 7

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There was a brilliant flash of light, and suddenly a god appeared.

"Bow before me!" He bellowed, adjusting his toga. "For I am the mighty god of bricks, Brickarus!" Everyone bowed to the god, who was wearing a brick on his head, like a mighty warrior.

"Lord," Annabeths stepped up to the god. "We have a slight problem." Before Annabeth could say anymore, Brickarus interrupted her.

"The brick rightfully belongs to Jason." The god said without mincing words.

"WHAAAT!" Everyone turned to see Octavian screeching, his face covered in elephant poop.

"I'm sorry Octavian. But we must now vanquish you." Brickarus held a hand out and Octavian disappeared in a flash of light.

Everyone was silent. No one had the guts to tell Octavian off, but now he was gone, well...

"WOOOH!" And they all partied till 1am

A/N: So, I promised to myself that when this book was finished I would post my next one. So, I need some ideas on how to wind this up nicely :)

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