Chapter 4

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"Isn't it adorable?" Jason asked, tenderly holding a newborn baby brick in his hands. He cradled it gently.

"Let's go tell Percy."


"Y-you...WHAT? Hahahahahahahahahahaha!" Percy was laughing so hard, his face was red. He doubled over and fell to the soft dirt, rolling on his side.

"Uhm..." Jason shield his baby brick, not wanting for it to associate with crazy people.

Annabeth was on her new laptop (which Leo has redesigned) and paid absolutely no attention to Jason or his brick.

J: Uh, Annabeth?
A: Yeah?
J: uh, I just had a baby...
J: her name is brickie
A: that's nice
J: it's a brick
A: cool
J: i'm marrying the brick tomorrow

It's true, he was. Leo had even graciously agreed to be the ringman. After all, Leo was the first one to know about Jason's and the brick's secret relationship after spying on them together in a restaurant.

But how would Hazel and Frank respond?


A/N: Leave suggestions below!

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