"You know that we don't necessarily have to come today, right?" Yancy asked again rising an eyebrow as she prepares to enter the bathroom to change clothes. "I mean your first round battle is tomorrow isn't it?"

"Yes, that is correct sweetheart" Nate reply while preparing his clothes for the day, he turned back to Yancy to answer her question. "But I would like to come to show some respect to the other champions, plus it would allow me to observe a certain someone who's battle is today"

"Whatever...." Muttered Yancy as she entered the bathroom, lowering her eyebrows knowing full well who that certain 'someone' is. "Has he not move one from what happened between him and that guy already?" She thought as she closed the bathroom door behind her.

The two had met each other shortly after Nate's Resignation from the position of champion a year ago, although they have known each other for far longer having communicated with each other through Yancy's Xtransciver which Nate found in Nimbasa city. Through it Nate was able to talk to her with Yancy using her parents Xtransciver.

It's only after they meet though that the feeling of love and affection fill their hearts, and after several months of on and off friendship they declared their love for each other. Since then they've introduce themselves to each other's family and things seem to be going swimmingly, but unfortunately Nate's PTSD of the previous tournament has put some strain into their relationship going into the tournament.

About 30 minutes later.......

"So Hugh should be in the lobby by now isn't he?"

"Oh he's definitely gonna be there, he's never late to anything ever since we're little kids"

As Nate and Yancy walk into the hotel's main lobby they noticed that the person they're looking for is already there waiting for them, a man with dark blue spiky hair that goes upwards. Who wears a white and red training suit and black fingerless gloves. He also wears a dark blue riding pants that match his hair and some red shoes with black laces. It is without a shadow of a doubt is Hugh Vallance, Nate's best friend since they first entered training school all those years ago.

"Eyyyy Nate!" Greet the young man enthusiastically as he and Nate shake hands and exchange Brofist with one another. "How are you doing man? Sorry I can't attend yesterday some business at HQ make me had to stay there and settling on watching it through the TV"

"I'm fine, and it's okay everyone have their own business to worry about sometimes" said Nate while patting his friend in the back in reassurance.

"So are you ready to guide me and Yancy to the arena Mr. Vallance?" Nate asked his childhood friend with a tiny hint of sarcasm.

"Oh yes! Ever since I move here to help Rood and his gang I've become as familiar with this city's streets as I am with Aspertia." Hugh responds with a big smile, an expression that seem to amuse his best friend. "C'mon then, let's get going shall we?" The pair only nodded in response as he three of them come out of the hotel to head to the world arena.

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The Driftveil world arena, 09:02 am

Underneath the main battle area of the arena through a series of tunnel sits an area resembling a locker room, which includes private nurses to check on their Pokémon and large television screens on the walls. Here the competitors make final preparations before heading out to the battlefield.

There on a bench placed in front of the tv sits Hilbert Blackman, contemplating his thoughts while staring at tv showing the crowd enjoying the opening Pleasantries before the first battle. Which happens to be a battle between him and the former champion of Hoeen Steven stone. Suddenly a tap on the shoulder snap Hilbert out of his thoughts.

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