Changed [Havoc's story] [Edited]

Start from the beginning

That night, the air was crisp and cold. I remember taking a deep breath. I felt so free, right there in the night. Like so many other times, I began running, letting my muscles lose as I zipped pass trees, houses and buildings. I was comfortable in the night, like I was part of it.

As I was running along my usual route, something caught my eye. A petite woman clad in skin tight jeans was hauling a large sack behind her. Curious, I decided to take a closer look. The urge was too strong to resist so I edged closer to her.

The petite woman was huffing as she struggled to drag the sack behind her. Her hair was disheveled and her face red with exertion. Not thinking twice, I jogged up to her.

"Hey there miss! Need any help?"

"Oh yes, yes please," she huffed, her cheeks rosy with the effort she put in to haul the load.

"Could you help me carry this into my truck over there?" She asked breathlessly, pointing to a red Chevy park just a few feet away.

I nodded and reached down to lift the sack up to my shoulders with ease. The woman's eyes widened in surprise for a moment, before a big smile spread across her face. I hauled the load into the back of her truck, all too aware of her piercing gaze at the back of my head.

"Thank you," the lady said a cheerful smile on her face.

"No problem."

As I was about to turn to continue on with my jogging, I was stopped short when I felt fingers wrap around my wrist. I turned to look at the woman, arching an eyebrow at her. She smiled at me, dimples appearing in her cheeks.

"Why don't I buy you a drink for helping me? It's cold out tonight. Let's get some hot chocolate, shall we?" She asked as she pulled me to her truck without waiting for my answer.

I didn't know how a woman half my sized managed it, but soon I was strapped and ready to go in the passenger seat of her truck. I was still staring at the women in mute shock as she started the engine truck.

She flashed me a smile and pulled out of the drive way. I was stunned. Never had I met anyone who could resist the power that I so unconsciously projected. It was as if she was immune to it. 

"Hey I'm a married woman you know," she said laughingly, when she caught me staring unabashedly.

Embarassed, I quickly turned my gaze away. But my fascination with her grew. Though I spoke sparsely, it did not perturb her as she continued to chat at me merrily, totally unaware of the black aura swirling around me. We drove out of town and got ourselves each a giant cup of hot chocolate coupled with chocolate donuts with ice frosting.

This petite woman with curls and a youthful face was nothing like her age of fifty four. In fact she looked to be half her age and even acted as one. She was constantly smiling, her aura a welcoming one. Soon I found myself loosing up, and enjoying my time with in her company.

"So what were you doing running in the streets alone at night?"

The question was so casually asked that I almost overlooked the shrewed glint in her eyes. I took a moment, and sipped on my chocolate drink. I glanced at her from over the rim of my mug, scanning her aura - that was free of malicious intent.

"Running helps me take my mind of some things," I replied after a while, leaning back against the seat and looking out the window as a light sheen of rain started outside the cafe.

"You look like you are missing some light in your life."

I started at the comment and glanced at her from the corner of my eyes. The woman who had introduced herself as Samantha was resting her head on her hand, as she leaned forward to face me, a small, gentle smile on her face.

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