Blue eyes, green eyes [Edited]

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Hey guys! Sorry for taking so long to edit this. I'm only editing during my free time. Hope y'all enjoy this next edit. I tried to clear up some stuff, making things more clear.  Please enjoy.


The training room was empty when I stepped into it, with only the soft glow of the moon filtering through the thin veil of the curtains and the slow sweep of the cold night air through the room as my companions. I took in a deep breath and looked out of the window to the night sky that was blanketed with stars. The darkness that was so much a part of me reached out to the night, the demon within me preening towards the light of the moon that swept over us. 

I took the scent of the night deep into my lungs, its purity burning a brand in me. The night called out to me, a sirens call that beckoned me with the temptation of to be lost in the darkness. I could feel my heart slowing, my senses sharpening as my claws lengthened in answer to the temptation. Ah.. Maybe just one taste will do... Clenching my hands into two tight fists, the sharp pain of my nail digging into my palms centered me a fraction, silencing the voice that threatened to unleash the darkness within. 

I was snapped out of my trance as the sound of muted cheering filtered through the doors. Letting out a breath, I pulled a tight leash on my demon. It struggled against my hold, desperate to run free into the night, unleashing its hate and anger. Now is not the right time caligo,  I snapped. The steel in my voice had my demon stiffening before it pulled away into submission.

I glanced back up longingly at the night sky before turning my back to temptation. I lifted a hand to trace the edges of my mask. The coldness within me a biting pain that reminded me of what I had yet to accomplish.

Questions raced in my head as I laid down the information I currently had. How the hell did Fiona find out about the Ring so easily? What will was she talking about? Could she have already amassed such power that it would be impossible for me to take her down?

I shook my head. Impossible. Because I knew that the power Fiona held was not true. She could buy all the protection and weapons she needed for our battle, but she could not buy the abilities that were passed down to me. That in itself was a weapon of destruction far dangerous than any she had seen. The cold caress of my demon against the walls of my mind a brutal reminder that if it were to be released, Fiona would be brutalized under its hate and contempt.

So how did she escape my detection? I sat down on the bench as I ran through all the possible scenarios in my head, calling forth my memories and filtering through them. It was possible with the technology at Fiona's disposal that she would have planted a bug to monitor me. But that would be too simple. I looked down at my hand, frowning as I struggled to...

My heart skipped a beat. 

I pulled up the edges of my shirt and pressed a finger deep into the lower right of my abdomen. Nothing. Lengthening my talon, I cut a line on my abdomen and allowed my demon to examine the site. The grating voice of the demon escaped my lips - ostende te, show yourself.  At once a device as small as a grain of rice pushed it way pass the lapels of the wound to drop onto the palms of my hand.

Anger and humiliation rose sharply. I resisted the urge to crush the tracking device in my hand and sent my demon seeking out into my body, determined to find and destroy anything else Fiona had planted in my body. Within the next half an hour, I found six more devices, each planted so deep within me, it could not be taken out other than by the call of the demon. 

I stared at the devices in my hand, the red haze of the demon settling over me. She had defiled  me. The thought of her using my body in such a way sent pain and hatred sizzling through my veins. My demon snarled and paced back and forth, its agitation fueling my rage. Taking a deep breath, I reigned in my blood lust, shuddering as my demon roared out, eager to be sent out for blood.

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