The people who care about you (Edited)

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  • Dedicado a all the people who love chocolate XD

Hey guys, so this is the updated chapter. Thank you so much for sticking with me. For those of you who have read the updated chapters, you may find that the feel is very much different from before. This chapter is even more different. I wanted to show yall the depth of emotion and chemistry between my two beloved characters. Please enjoy :)



"Woah girl," breath Dani, her eye shining as she looked at me. "That was freaking awesome!!!"

I raised an eyebrow, munching on the sandwich that Sister Suzanne had made for us.

"What's so awesome?" I asked, licking my fingers.

Dani rolled her eyes and placed a hand on my arm.

"Seriously Elle," she said, exasperated. "News flash, Jason Lambert practically saved you precious book!"

I tilted my head to the side confused.

"I thought Marcus saved my book?" I asked, genuinely confused.

"Of course he did," Dani said, waving my comment off, but the pride was evident in her voice. "But it was Jason who asked him to so technically it was Jason who saved your book."

"Oh.I hadn't thought of it like that," I murmured, tapping my chin at the possibility that indeed that the most popular and sought after guy in school had even bothered to retrieve my book. I frowned. The idea was so utterly ridiculous that I couldn't help but stare at Dani in confusion.

Letting a loud, exasperated sigh, Dani rolled her eyes at me making Tyler who was observing us burst out into laughter. I scowled at him and devoured the rest of the sandwich before helping out Sister Suzanne in the kitchen. She smiled warmly at me and pulled me into a hug. Sister Suzanne was really beautiful. Her brown hair, although streaked with grey was thick and luxurious. Her intelligent eyes were a murky kind of brown and she moved with the grace of a dancer.

"How's school, Elle?" She asked as she passed me the wet plates for me to dry.

"It was...eventful..." I replied, wiping the plates meticulously.

"Really?"she asked, looking at me from the corner of her eye.

I just sent her a small smile and continued to dry the plates. She laughed and shook her head before gasping. I turned to face her and saw her gaze home in on my injured knuckles.

"What happened?"

I winced as she shrieked and went to the cupboard to get the medical kit.

"It's just a scratch," I mumbled as she cleaned the already healing wound.

"You're still going to that violent place aren't you Elle?" she asked,eyeing me with a mixture of frustration and worry.

I turned away sheepishly and nodded.

"Ow!"I cried as she smacked me on the back of my head, a scowl on her face.

She objected to me going to the Fighting Ring but didn't stop me from actually going there. She knew how important it was to me, how it kept me at peace, even though it was a violent sport. I sighed and rubbed her arm in reassurance.

"It's fine. I'm fine," I said, trying to reassure her. I saw her tense shoulders relax slightly as she placed my raw knuckles to her cheek.

"I just don't like seeing you hurt Elle. That witch you stay with is already enough to make my blood boil and my hair turn grey from worrying about you," she whispered, her voice rough with emotion.

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