Slip of the tongue [Edited]

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Hey guys so this is the continuation of the previous part :) hope you enjoy!


My hands clenched into fists as those luminous green eyes stared straight into my eyes. 

"Tell me him what, Angel?"

Lucas' voice was suspiciously calm, a sharp contrast to the wildness swirling behind his eyes. He slowly pushed off the wall he was leaning on and prowled closer, his wild gaze landing on the arm that was caging me. 

My lips thinned into a line, frustrated that I had been cornered by the two of them. Self-preservation had me trying to jerk out of Havoc's hold, but it only served to tighten the bonds that held me against a muscled wall.

I glared at Havoc, shoving against his chest once more but he merely shifted his stance so that my feet were now trapped in between his, my arms constrained between out bodies. 

"Let me go."

I strained to get my voice out. Sweat beading on my back as my heart beat too hard, too fast. I could not let them be privy to my plans. I could not drag them into my blood stained life. 

"Let me go now." 

"Not until you tell us what has placed that darkness in your eyes, Angel," Havoc responded, his voice dangerously low.

I struggled to swallow the lump in my throat, staring mutely as the cerulean of his eyes faded into dark navy. The heat that came off him in waves seeped into my bones, making it impossible for the insidious cold to creep through the cracks of my defenses. 

But I held on stubbornly to my silence, holding myself as stiff as possible. I turned my head way from burning intensity of Havoc's gaze, closing my eyes to resist the temptation to just loose myself in the sensation he sparked within me.

"So stubborn."

I shivered as his warm breath tickled the tip of my ear, the blood pooling at my face. Instantly, I could feel my body softening in his hold. Biting down hard on my lip, I forced myself to resist him, to resist the electrifying pull in between us.

A soft sigh and I felt some of the warmth leave me. Frowning, I slowly opened my eyes to the beautiful, clear cerulean of Havoc's.

"I will not force you, Angel," he said, cupping my face softly in his hand. "But neither can I force this need to see you safe and happy to stop."

My heart jumped in my chest before it pounded a tattoo against my chest. 

"You worry about me?" 

It was an unbelievable thought, especially coming from a man who did not know the taint that was left on me. 

I watched, transfixed as his eyes softened, his hold on me loosening so that my body melted against his. "Of course I do. How can I not?"

"But--" The words that I was about to say were stolen from me as he lifted his mask slightly to press a tender kiss to my forehead. 

I froze, the soft feel of his lips against my skin a brand that pierced straight into my tender and bruised heart. His lips lingered on my skin before he pulled back slowly and adjusted his mask back on his face. 

It was then did I notice that his aura had shifted to envelope me, its light tendrils curling around the edges of my aura. My breath escaped in a gasp as his aura melded seamlessly with mine.

"That's not fair," I whispered, bunching his shirt in my hands. "You can't give me a surprise attack and expect me to have a comeback."

A sensual chuckle before I was crushed against his chest, his arms holding me tightly to him. Tears burned in my eyes as what was left of my defenses crumbled down into dust.

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