I hid my slightly trembling right hand in my left as I made my way back inside.

Of course, I was met with questions of concern but Normani seemed able to detect I was furious under my faked calm demeanour.

"Do you need me to hel-"


I quickly went into my bathroom to wash off the blood then took a seat once more in front of the mirror at my bureau. Moments later, she arrived with a bottle of something to help to lay the edges down with.

It only took her two MINUTES while I tried for ten minutes straight. How!?

"Girl, what's your secret! My hair was refusing the entire time when I tried!" I laughed.

"The one you were using was expired I guess." I quirked a brow then shook my head at myself. "You not using any could have also been the problem."

"Yeah, guess I gotta buy some when we go out."

"Indeed you do. I'll search up a place that has this specific one and it can be one of our stops today. But yeah, come on down to eat some food. Gotta feed two people y' know ?" She laughed and rubbed my stomach before jogging downstairs.

If you only knew.

The bathroom door opened and out stepped a casually dressed Bella with her hair up in a messy bun. She froze when she saw me looking at her and gave me a meagre smile.

"You look beautiful."

I got up to give her a hug. A gentle one too. Then kissed her forehead.
When I looked at her again a few tears were rolling down her face, so I just held her for a longer period of time.

I didn't like hearing the occasional sniffles and whatever she was beating up herself about.

"What's the matter?"

"I wanna make myself believe what you said. But I have a hard time doing that. Then in terms of getting better, I don't like to eat around other people. Maybe around you, but not around them. I just feel like everyone is watching me and judging me, I can't tolerate it for long. It's unbearable."

"Oh, then I'm just gonna get your breakfast. No worries. And I can always just use hypnosis on you, or reprogram your mind."

She looked a bit surprised and confused.

"Not without your permission of course. But just know there's that."

She nodded and took a seat on the bed as I exited to get her food.

"Where's Bella?" Lauren

"Upstairs." I took up a medium-sized amount of everything on the table hoping they wouldn't pry. "Where's Camila?" I looked at the table and saw her. I formed an 'o' shape and pretended to be embarrassed as I wrapped up what I was doing. "Uh, well. I'll be back down in 30 minutes."

I hope you ate, Camila.

She audibly huffed as I walked away.


"Let's stop at Sephora!" excited squeals seem to be a natural follow up after some of Dinah's sentences.

I keep having to remind myself that she is the youngest so that should be expected.

We entered the store and began to browse around. Gladly, we weren't splitting up, running around the place. It's nothing nice to look for six other girls around the store. And as it is, there were fans lurking by excitedly. Theirs and mine.
I wrapped an arm around my stomach and kept a slow pace in front of the others. This store was boring me without a doubt. The sales clerks here and there were telling us about what promotions and stuff they had. I could see in Normani's expression she was as tired of being here as I am. Especially since she was still kind of being racially profiled. Dinah, Ally and Bella ended up purchasing items and we were back on the road again.

A twist In My life *completed* March 24 2021*sniffle*Where stories live. Discover now