Chapter 2 (The Arrival)

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A/N: This video belongs to (Team Four Star). Jason will have Goku Blacks voice from this Video.
Pilot: Hello There! Welcome to your non-stop flight with (Airliner Name). We hope that your Flight from (Country Name) to Tokyo will be enjoyable. Wheels will be up in two minutes after a few more system checks are completed.  So I ask that all passengers fasten their seatbelts now.
Jason: Sigh-The next Fourteen hours will probably be the only amount of time that I have to relax before I'm back to dismembering people. Though.......I might as well just revel in it. I'm just glad I have first class, it's incredibly comfy here. Plus.......I have my own small room.
Flight Attendant: Ladies and gentlemen the flight will be taking off now. We ask that you turn off any cellular device you have on or put them on airplane mode. For handhelds and Laptops please turn them off until we reach a cruising altitude of 10,000 feet. Thank you!

A Long And Grueling 14 Hours Later

Announcer: Welcome to Tokyo! We hope that your flight was most enjoyable. Please....enjoy your stay!
I had just arrived in Tokyo. I was already out of the Airport and walking in a downtown area.
Jason: God I hate flying, why? takes to fucken long. Sigh-It's 7:30 P.M, I don't have any place to sleep tonight and I'm hungry. Excuse me. miss?
Random Girl: Yes?
Jason: Can you point me in the direction of any cafes around here please?
Random Girl: Actually there's one not far from here at all. Let write down the address for you.
   She took out a piece of paper from a notebook in her purse and wrote down the address. As soon as she was done writing it down. She gave it to Jason.
Jason: Anteiku?
Random Girl: Yup! They have really good coffee and the best sandwiches in town!
Jason: Well Thanks I really appreciate it!
You have your self a wonderful night and be careful.
Random Girl: You too. Bye!
She turned around and began to walk to god knows where.
Jason: Welp....theirs no time like the present.
   I began to walk over to Anteiku with the address that girl wrote had down for me.
When I got there I was meet with pretty tall two Storie building with a sign outside of it.
???: Good evening sir! Welcome to Anteiku, My Name is Kaya and I'll be your waitress for tonight. Table for one?
Jason: *Chuckles* Yes please.
Kaya: Right this way then.
   She had lead him to a table for one person, and he sat down at that table while she began to take his order.
Kaya: So What would you like sweetheart?
Jason: Can I get a Black Coffee and a Sandwich please.
She finished writing all of it down.
Kaya: Is that all?
Jason: Yup.
Kaya: Alright I'll have your order out as soon as possible love.
Jason: Thank you.
   She turned around and walked over to the kitchen to make the meal that Jason had ordered.
???: We'd like to give you this exclusive report that is coming from the CCG executive board directly.
Jason had turned his attention to the TV that was hung up over the counter of the Bar. His eyes widened when he looked at the headline for the news that they were reporting on.
Jason: (Oh for fuck sakes!....Really?)
???: Thank you very much Jane....My Name is Maria. I'm a investigator for the CCG is if wasn't obvious enough.

 I'm a investigator for the CCG is if wasn't obvious enough

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I'm here to inform you that we may have a breach. As of 14:00-23:00 hours yesterday.
   An extremely dangerous test subject had escaped a third-party military testing facility in America yesterday. We've yet to uncover any identification on the person in question. As any physical and non-physical records have been destroyed and erased. Their is reason to believe that the person in question is in Tokyo right now. We urge any and all residents that notice any suspicious activities going on in your area that differ from normal Ghoul attack's, or sightings to report it directly to the CCG via our hotline. I can not stress enough how dangerous this person is. So everyone please be careful...and don't let your guard down for a single Second.
Jason: (It's a good thing I destroyed those records. But now their gonna have even more doves on the street looking out for my ass...great).
Kaya: Here's your order sir!
Jason: Oh! Thank you very much Ma'am.
   She had set the plate of food down on his table along with his order of black coffee. He picked up his sandwich and stared to eat it. Once he finished it, he grabbed the coffee cup off of the table and drank his coffee whole.


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Ahhhh....that was good.
Kaya: So.....are you new here or something? I've never seen your face here before.
   Jason was kinda spooked when he heard her voice right behind him. As he thought that she had already walked away.
Jason: AH!
Kaya: Oh sorry! I didn't mean to scare you like that.
Jason: No, No it's fine, and yes I just got here tonight. I'm just moved here actually.
Kaya: Oh that must be you have anywhere to stay tonight?
Jason: No...I was actually gonna go see if I could find a hotel in a bit.
Kaya: You wanna stay here for the night?
Jason: Huh?
Kaya: Yeah...We have a couple spare rooms upstairs. You can sleep in one of them tonight if you want.
Jason: Oh thanks.....I would really appreciate that actually.
Kaya: Then just let me finish closing up the cafe, and I'll show you to your room.
Jason: Alright.
After she had finished that. Her and Jason made their way up stairs towards the Spare rooms.
Kaya: The showers down the hall on the left if you want to do that before going to bed. I'll be back here tomorrow, around 5:40 in the morning. I also know that this is very random, but do you have any work experience? Like cooking, bar tending, taking orders from customers. Any of that?
Jason: To be I don't. But I wouldn't mind learning. It would be good to make my own money.
Kaya: Great! I'll talk with the manger about it tomorrow. Oh! Before I forget. Here's my number.
   She quickly took out a small piece of paper and wrote her number down on it, and handed it to Jason.
Kaya: Feel free to call me if theirs anything you need. Alright?
Jason: Got it.
Kaya: Good...Well have a goodnight love~
Jason: You as well.
   Kaya then began to walk back down stairs and exited the building after locking the front door.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2019 ⏰

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