The Evil Plan

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*Drah's POV*

I paced back and forth, staring at the floor. She had survived my attempt of killing her with puffer fish venom. Of course, she somehow managed to prevent the horrific side effects that were supposed to ensue. The only thing good that came out of it, is the fact that her voice can no longer be heard. She has become a mute, and though that wasn't my original plan, it really was quite ego boosting. I smiled maliciously to myself and lit up a cigar. The aroma of dark oak wood filled the air around me. I swished the ice in my glass of brandy and began to relax.

The next phase of my plan would begin as soon as I had what I wanted most. I wanted her to be so frightened and scared that she would be a basket case. Then again, with Terrance being my scape goat, everything seemed as easy as pie. My phone began to ring and I wondered for a moment if I should even bother to answer it. I checked the caller ID and saw that it said Terrance. I picked up, already feeling annoyed. "Hello?"

"How could you?" I pulled the phone away from my ear and looked at it for a second. "What are you talking about, Terrance? How could I what?" He sighed loudly and I began to grow impatient. "Look,Drah, I know it was you. I know that you attempted to kill her. I know that your plan failed. And of course, your current plan to blame everything on me has failed as well. Alex knows that I didn't poison her. She knows it was you. Worst of all, Mike knows it was you, and he will NEVER forgive you."

I was stunned into silence. How could she have possibly figured out that I was the one to poison her? Then it dawned on me. Having only one scape goat made it super easy for her. Why didn't I see that sooner?? I sighed softly. "What will happen now?" I could hear the smile in his voice. "You see, Drah, that is totally up to you. I'm out of this game. I don't want to hurt her, or her unborn child." My heart stopped in my chest. "She's pregnant? That can't be.." He laughed lightly. "Well, it's true. So not only did you fail in killing her, you muted her, and of course you failed to separate her from Mikael. So you altogether are a failure."

I was infuriated. How could this have happened? I thought that everything was going my way perfectly. She couldn't speak, which was still a bonus even though the poison failed to kill her. My whole plan was to split her and Mike up. That way I could finally have him. He was supposed to be mine years ago. I slammed the phone down and hung up on him. He didn't need to know what was going to happen next. Who knew if he was in collaboration with them or not. Now that she was pregnant with his child, it would be next to impossible to split them apart. The only way would be to kill the child and somehow pin it on Alex. I began to pace the room, my glass of brandy long forgotten on the table.

But, there was a slim chance that he wouldn't blame Alex for the loss of the child. Which would foil my plans once again. I needed a back up plan just in case. I had to make sure that this time, I would not fail. Several years ago, when we were all young. I was completely in love with Mike. I wanted to tell him of my feelings, and the one time that I got up the courage to speak, he blew me off for her. It was Alex's birthday party of course. Not really a good place to speak of my feelings. I had no other alternative of getting him alone. Years went by and I kept dropping subtle hints of how I felt and he was continuously oblivious to them.

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