Chapter 10: "Lying"

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Authors P.O.V
"Lisa~" rose jump at Lisa's bed, waking her up.

-At school-
They are at the cafeteria, finishing they're morning class.

"I won't having lunch today, homework is everywhere~" Lisa excuse herself.

"What's wrong with her?" Jennie looked at Lisa walkings away.

"Oh, it must be jungkook, the one who found Lisa's cam and Lisa found his too." Jisoo said, spilling all.

'oh, sh*t'

"Jungkook?" Rose asked unbelievably.

"Jeon jungkook is a member of BTS, it's a boy group in our school, they are outstanding, and he always the top 1 in the while senior." Rose explain.

Lisa P.O.V
I head to the rooftop, I don't know why I'm always lying at my unnies...

I head here becouse I wanna have a peace place.

The wind blew my hair, making me smile.
"You like it here?"

"Yeah, is it a coincedence again that we met?" I didn't turn my head, becouse I know who that is.

"I'm always here, duh~" he said, sarcastically.

I sat down, and he sat down too.
"Aren't you hungry, jungcopy?"

"A new name, huh" jungkook said, smirking.

"Last night you copied me." I rolled my eyes, then he handed me a lunch box.

"Eat." Is this his lunch box? Why is he giving me this?

"What about you?"

"Are you worrying about me." The smirk again!

"How about we share." A few minutes we met finish our lunch.

"This is good, who made it?" I asked, holding his lunch box.

"My hyung, Jin hyung." Aren't he living with his family?


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