Chapter 4: "We almost met.."

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Authors P.O.V
Lisa got ready.
She head downstairs and saw her unnies waiting for her.



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"What's with the glasses on?" Rose pout because she realize she's the only who's not wearing glasses

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"What's with the glasses on?" Rose pout because she realize she's the only who's not wearing glasses.

Everyone giggled.
They head to the cafe to have they're breakfast and got to school in time.

Jungkook's P.O.V

"YAH!" V scream at my face trying to get my attention

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"YAH!" V scream at my face trying to get my attention.

"Oh, I'm sorry..what is it?" I ask once again.

Then v sigh. "What's wrong, I know this isn't you."

I left my camera at the park yesterday...
And this camera doll, left hers too..

"I left my camera at the park.." I answered simply.

"So why don't you get it?" V ask again.

Because I'm afraid i may encounter that girl...

"...I'm too lazy" I smiled cheekily. Then V rolled his eyes.

We are at the cafeteria, we finish our morning class already.

My hyungs starts chatting and laughing, I excuse myself.

"Can I head back first, I still need something at the library." I lied, they just nod.

-At the library-
I enter the library and sat down to an empty table.

I took the mysterious camera.

*Thump, Thump*

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*Thump, Thump*

Whenever I would see her doll heart would suddenly beat.

I never felt this feelings before..

I stand up, and head to some shelves because I really need a book so I may not be kicked out by the librarian.

I pretend to find some books...I took one book and sat again.

"Excuse me.." a sweet voice startled me.

"Can I please seat here...there's no occupied seat anymore." The girl ask.

"S-sure." I stutter.

I didn't turn my gaze, and I covered my face with a book.

*Thump, Thump*

My heart is beating even if I'm not looking at the girls photo..but why?

I peep at her and only saw her bangs and..that hair is the same at the photo..

Lisa P.O.V

I head to the library becouse i missed reading some stories

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I head to the library becouse i missed reading some stories.

I choose a book, but when I look around it seems that there is only one seat..that boy over there..

I asked him. "Excuse me.."

"Can I please seat here...there's no occupied seat anymore." I said.

"S-sure." The boy stutter, his voice...

He didn't look at me and covered his face. I can tell that his really handsome, but cute at the same time.

His shoulder though...I observe him little

Then I stop..wth am I doing!?

I realize..that the boys book is upside down.

After a few minutes..I stoped. "Thank you so much for allowing me to seat here." I stand up.

"It's fine..can..can at the rooftop 3:00" he ask.

"Sure." I smiled even if he didn't see it.
Then left.


"Our Camera" 📷 -✓LZK✓Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant