Chapter 2: "Escape"

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Authors P.O.V
"Hyung, can I please go to the park~" jungkook Cling at jin's foot, whining.

"Your grounded remember!?" Jin yelled, shaking his foot.

Jungkook let go and pout."I'm already grown up, grounded is only just for kids."

"Yeah your not a kid, but you're acting like a kid." V appeared.

"You always bully me, hyungs are bad." Jungkook pout again.

"Yo, do you know how ugly you are when you do that?" Suga said.

Jungkook rolled his eyes, and went to his room.

He grabbed his camera, and click a photo.

"Glad it's still working. I haven't use my camera these days." Jungkook said.

He changed his clothes...

After that, he opened the window from his bedroom, he grabbed his phone and camera.

Then jump at the window.
While walking away, and heading to the park he checked what time it is now.

"Aish~ if only i have my car keys, but no suga hyung took it Couse I'm 'Grounded'

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"Aish~ if only i have my car keys, but no suga hyung took it Couse I'm 'Grounded'."

Jungkook sarcastically said.

- At the park -
"I thought I won't arrived" jungkook pant.

He started taking picture at the kids, trees, animals, and everything.

He sat down at the bench and saw another camera.

He opened it and saw a girl.

He stared at it, and can't help but to check her photos

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He stared at it, and can't help but to check her photos.

He stared at it, and can't help but to check her photos

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He can't help

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He can't help..but to think that she looks like a doll.

He took the camera, and was about to turn it off

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He took the camera, and was about to turn it off...

"Yah! Jungkook!" RM called him, RM know that jungkook is grounded, but he went to go  for they're food then coincedentally saw him at the bench sitting, while keep smiling and blushing.

Jungkook turn it off. Then he ran.
RM chased him.

RM succed and they got home jungkook forgot his the bench where Lisa left hers...


"Our Camera" 📷 -✓LZK✓Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant