Chapter 11; A Mare That Belonged To Shadow

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Twi's POV

Silence. There was absolutely no sound. It was almost eerie. For some reason, I couldn't muster the energy to open my eyes, nor to speak. I tilted my head up slightly, and managed to push my eyes open. I gasped. It was still pitch black, except for a strange, green glowing circle not to far from me.

I started to walk over, still not having enough energy to trot, and saw the shadow of some pony, hunched over in the circle. She appeared to be sobbing. "E-excuse me ma'm? Are you alright?" I stuttered shakily. I saw her lift head, to reveal pretty, violet eyes.

She walked carefully over to me, and seemed to study me. It was really uncomfortable. She wore large, round glasses and had a magenta coat with Rainbow Dash's styled mane, just jet-black. She took one step closer, and I saw her horn.

Wait. I was studying her. "I-I'm Magenta Rose." She said, speaking finally. "Your Princess Twilight, correct?" I nodded hesitantly. "I am." I replied slowly. She gave me a small smile and wiped her tears away. Then looked around.

"I locked myself here. To try and stop the grief." She sounded like she was about to cry again. "Wha- what grief?" I asked, putting a wing around her. "My colt friend," She sobbed. "H- he's gone." Her face fell onto my shoulder, and I felt like crying myself.

"What was his name?" I questioned. It was a weird and kind of mean question to be asking, but I had to know. "S-Shadow Bust." Was her reply.

Finally! An update! Now, just so you know, Magenta Rose is one of my 3 OCs. Shadow being one, and a crystal pony called Ocean Blue being my other. I'll be writing a fanfic about those three. Also, I wanna give a shout out to Thepinkiechronicles, and xcelebrate for following me! Go check them out! Bai!

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