Chapter 10; Crazy Flash

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Flash fell back onto his bed, trying to process what had just happened. Only about fifteen minutes ago he had flown around the Crystal Empire with a beautiful alicorn princess. He rolled over, pulling the sparkly sheets up to his chin.

"I'm going to have to ask her," He said aloud. "There's no way I'll let someone else take her." Pfft. Please. You can't even guard her friends, but you think you can handle guarding a princess pony for LIFE?! He said to himself. He sighed.

"Oh, Princess, your literally driving me crazy." Suddenly, he heard a soft snicker. "So you do like her!" A familiar voice called. Flash sat up in his bed, a look of anger crossing over his face.

"Well, if you think your so tough, why don't you..." Flash started. "Don't you dare!" The voice protested. "Step out of the shadows!" Flash finished. "Ugh, I walked right into that one, didn't I?" A grey stallion with a spiky, metallic purple mane could soon be seen.

"Shadow, you do realize that spying on ponies, especially fellow guards, will get you kicked out of the squad, right?" Flash asked his friend. "Yeah. Speaking of which..." Shadow lowered his head. "What?" Flash asked with curiosity and sympathy. "I-I got demoted. Now, instead of protecting royalty, I'm a traffic guard!"

"WHAT?! Why in Equestria would Shining Armor do that?!" Flash exclaimed angrily. "I...I'll talk to you about it tomorrow.... Crazy Flash." He mumbled the last part to himself, but Flash could still hear it. "No need to try and lighten up the situation." He grumbled, seeing tears of shame build up in Shadows eyes.

Without saying another word, Shadow left, and Flash, though barely, could hear him crying to himself. Flopping back onto his bed, the guard said to himself: "Maybe he's right," He sighed once again. "Maybe I am crazy Flash."

So I'm sure you bats will probably either love or hate me for this. I skipped the whole flight scene because we already saw that, and it was third pony, though still on Twi's side. I want you guys to comment on whether or not you want me to add that same scene, just Flash's POV. Cuz I totally could. Just say yes or no.

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