Chapter 8; Best Buddies

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Flash's POV (Again) This is going to be a Flashback. Get it? A FLASHback? No? Ok, continue...

"Flash Sentry!" Prince Shining Armor yelled. I looked up quickly to see him pointing his hoof at me menacingly. The other guards moved out of his way, making a perfect line between me and him. My best friend, ShadowBust, gave me a small, reassuring smile.

I returned the smile before replying: "Yes, Sir!" To the prince. "I want you to guard the hall that Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends rooms are in. No harm shall come to my sister, nor to them! Understood?" He ordered, once again, menacingly. He was a little too harsh on me sometimes.

I nodded. "Yes, of course sir!" "Good," He replied, spinning around and motioning for the others to follow. ShadowBust, however, stayed behind with me. He turned to me, giving me a smug grin.

"What?" I snapped, punching him playfully. He stared at me for a moment, then burst out into song: "Twilight and Flash, sittin' in a tree,

K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes love,

Then comes marriage, then comes

A filly in a filly carriage!"

I covered my ears. Oh Celestia did he sing bad. When I stopped hearing the hideous sound that just so happened to be his voice, I took my hooves off my ears and looked at him. "That

was-" I was cut off by him rolling around on the floor laughing his head off.

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, yeah, very funny!" He glanced up at me. "But it IS true, isn't it?" He asked, trying to keep a straight face. I looked at the ground. What do I say to that?

Luckily, a shout rang across the hall. "ShadowBust! Get in line!" Shining Armor yelled. "Yes, sir!" Shadow replied. "Catch ya later, best bud!" He told me, before he ran off. I smiled. Now time to get to my duties.

AN: Ok, so once again, a first pony point of view. The next few chapters, like this one, are going to be FLASHbacks. But, they won't be first pony. Hope you guys look forward to them! Btw, thank you all so much for 208 reads! It really means the world too me! Also go follow Laugh forever, cuz she's awesome. Really. Do it. NOW! Vote and follow me for more!

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