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Miz Cracker

She likes to call you Babe

You like to call her Blondie


She likes to call you Mi Amour

You like to call her Sweetie

Kameron Michaels

She likes to call you Love

You like to call her babe

Katya Zamolodchikova

She likes to call you любовь or baby

You like to call her Angel


She likes to call you darling

You like to call her baby

Brooke Lynn Hytes

She likes to call you her Angel

You like to call her love

Scarlet Envy

She likes to call you Doll

You like to call her Scar


And she's done!

I hope you all are enjoying the book so far! Make sure to comment and like the book! And tell me how I'm doing down below!

And thank you for taking the time to read this book!

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