chapter 2 | gran's house

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Samantha drove first in her shiny work car, and Margery followed behind in the rusty truck. The scenery gradually changed from city life to forests, and it piqued Margery's interest. She knew immediately that she would find herself soon exploring these forests, with a camera and knitting project in hand. The young woman loved the serenity and peace that came with spending time outdoors and knew her grandmother would partake in many hikes with her.

The two vehicles finally pulled into a long, winding driveway, which leads to a small house surrounded by beautiful gardens and greenery. Vines had grown on the lattice, which covered the sides of the house and a portion of the front as well. Margery peered around curiously, turning the key in the ignition and exiting the truck, shouldering her bag and following her mother into the home. "Mom, I'm home!" Samantha called, closing the door behind them.

An older woman entered the kitchen, donning a long, singular braid and many tribal tattoos. She was old yet beamed of livelihood. Margery grinned and was quickly embraced by the woman. "My heavens, child, it has been too long!" Gran exclaimed, holding the young girl tightly. She gripped Samantha's hand as well, smiling brightly at her daughter.

Gran showed the women around the house, letting Margery begin to unpack while she and Samantha wound up back in the kitchen for tea. "She has been showing signs for the past few months, I somehow finally managed to convince Eric to let her come here. He still knows nothing." Samantha quipped, sipping on her cup of tea.

"I assumed that much. Is she showing any specific skills?" Gran asked, stirring in some sugar to her cup.

"Not particularly, just the average tell-tale signs for someone like us. You know, unexpected weather, mood swings causing minor inconveniences in the house, that sort of thing." Margery's mother sighed, glancing out the window at the small garden out front.

"You did the right thing, Sammy dear. I will teach her, and when the time comes, she will choose. She will be better off here, safer here." The elder comforted her daughter.

"I know. I'll just miss her, is all." Samantha said. She then finished her tea and made her way to Margery's room to say goodbye.

A/N: the house in the pic is what I imagine Gran's house to look like, but it's a dark green siding and obviously in the middle of the woods, with dirt paths instead of the paved ones in the photo.

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