Maybe forever this time.

Johann's POV

I was making out with Kai.

It was amazing, but I couldn't get into it and I knew he could feel it too when he pulled back with his eyebrows furrowed. "What's up babe?" He asked softly, lightly caressing my side with his thumb.

"Nothing." I mumbled and tried to reconnect our lips but he wasn't going for it. His eyes rolled as he pulled his head back, giving me a stern look. "Okay, it's just.. Y/nn."

"Is it that girl again?" I nodded. "What's been going on?"

We shifted on his hotel bed and sat against the headboard, facing one another. "Two weeks ago, Vanessa got drunk and called her over, remember?" He nodded. "They ended up kissing and whatever, cuddling. Then that morning, Vanessa went off on Y/n saying that she didn't love her and only used her cause she was bored."

"Harsh." Kai mumbled with a wince and I nodded. "How is that affecting you?"

I cocked an eyebrow before pulling out my phone and Skyping Y/n (because she didn't have an iPhone). It rung three times before she finally picked up.

She was sitting up in bed with a guitar on her lap and a pencil behind her ear. Her eyes were dark and surrounded with dark circles. "Hey Y/nn." I said cheerfully. Nothing. "We're gonna head down to Golden Coral, wanna join?"

She looked away in a daze, scratching behind her head. "Uh, sorry, what'd you say?" Her voice was low and tired, sounding on the edge of breaking and I felt my stomach tighten.

"I said.. would you want to join us? For dinner?" She sniffed and rubbed across her forehead, seemingly loosing her train of though again as she looked away. "Y/n?" She snapped her head back to the phone and looked confused for a moment. "Food?"

"Food?" She questioned slowly before holding up a half eaten pack of crackers. "No thank you."

I could see Kai shake his head slightly, a soft sigh leaving his lips. "Y/nn, I'm worried about you."

She blinked at the camera soft before cracking a smile. "I'm okay buddy." Then she hung up.

"Damn." Kai whispered. "Is she on drugs?"

"No, she hasn't slept, and I mean hasn't slept for three full days." He frowned. "Yeah. I've tried talking about it to her but she just shrugs it off and says she's in a writing process. But.. I can tell it's killing her. It's identical to how she was for almost two years back home."

"How'd she change?" I shook my head softly with a sigh.

"It took her almost losing Rosie to get better." His eyes widened and I nodded. "Speaking of.. I need to make sure she's okay. I'm sorry we didn't get to-"

"Hey," he grabbed my hand and smiled. "Family is more important. We'll have a lot of time to.. you know." I felt blush cover my cheeks and he chuckled, pushing me off of the bed. "Now go check up on them."

"Okaay. Meet me by the pool tonight?" He cracked a soft smile and nodded before pressing a kiss to my skin, then letting me leave finally.

I walked down the halls, whistling to myself before suddenly stopping when I saw a blonde toddler sitting in front of the door. "Rosie?" I questioned, quickly jogging up to her.

She looked up sadly, clad in her bathing suit with the woody doll in her hand. "Mommy take me to pool.. she take long." I reached my hand to the doorknob but it was locked.

I huffed angrily before picking Rosie up and opening the door with my key. "I'll take you to the pool, okay? Wait in your room so I can get dressed." She nodded softly but still had the same sad expression, walking on her little legs to the room when I sat her back onto the ground.

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