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Lacey sighed as she sat on the edge of her bed as she looked to Rachel as she had her arms crossed over her jest "well?" She asked as Lacey pulled her knees to her chest and rolled her eyes "oh please mother, like you haven't done worse. Tell me about how much was it by the hour?" She asked as Rachel looked to her "don't, I mean it. Don't. You need to focus on your career and not opening your legs" she spat as Lacey looked to her and glared "well it's nice to know what my own mother thinks of me, isn't it. I messed up okay, you can't judge me for that. I'm human" Lacey said as Rachel looked to her and rolled her eyes "you always mess up tough. Don't you? He had a girlfriend and he is your boss, I am trying to protect you believe it or it you idiot, your my daughter and I don't want you to end up hurt" Rachel said as Lacey looked to her and sighed.

Lacey didn't know what to think. She didn't know if Rachel was telling the truth and that she wanted what was best for her. "Just back off okay mother, besides it's not as if you have ever cared before. It's nothing serious okay, it's jus sex and that's that. I know he isn't going to leave that barbie doll Davina for me, and I'm fine with it, it's not as if I am in love you him" Lacey said as Rachel looked to her and sighed. Rachel knew Lacey well enough to know that she was lying to her and to herself. She knew Lacey was going to end up Hirt but she also knew there was no stopping Lacey once she set her mind on things. "Fine, if you say so" Rachel said as she walked off as Lacey sighed to herself.


Later that day, Lacey smiled as Alexis walked in "I need your help" Alexis said as Lacey looked to her and frowned "what's up" she asked as Alexis looked to her and sighed "I think I'm pregnant" she said as Lacey looked to her and smiled. She knew just how scared that Alexis was "it's going to be okay. We'll go to her doctors and it will be okay" she said as Alexis looked to her and smiled. Lacey took Alexis to the doo tor's as Tom dropped her off. She looked to Alexis and smiled "go inside and I'll catch you up" Lacey said as Alexis smiled. Tom grabbed a hold of Lacey's hand and smiled "are you okay" he asked as she looked to him and offed "I'm fine, I promise" she said as she looked to him and smiled and kissed him briefly before she walked off.


Later that day, Lacey got home and sighed as she saw Adam who was with Rachel. He looked to Lacey and frowned "isn't it time that you moved out" he asked as she looked to him and glared "I'm not going anywhere, you are" she spat as she walked off to her room and sighed. She sat on her bed and sighed as she grabbed the pregnancy test out of her bag and held it her hand. She was scared but was Lacey really pregnant and how would tom react?

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