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Lacey was in shock at what Alexis had suggested and as much as she loved her sister. She couldn't do it, she couldn't take her baby and raise it as it wouldn't be fair to Alexis and Lacey knew that she couldn't do it.

Lacey smiled as Tom walked into the kitchen and she stood making a coffee and smiled as he wrapped his arms around her and smiled

"Are you okay?" He asked as she smiled

"I'm just worried over everything that is going on. I know how things are but I know what Alexis suggested" Lacey said as he looked to her and smiled

"How do you mean" he asked as she smiled

"I took a test this morning I'm pregnant, I know I want to ur I can't help Lexi. But o can't take her baby, it's cruel and now I'm pregnant...." Lacey said As to. Pulled her into his arms and smiled

"Your really pregnant" he asked as she nodded

"I took four tests. I still can't believe it I mean I know it's all that we have been trying for a long time I just can't believe it" she said as tom leant in and kissed her and smiled

"I know it's hard but we can do this and Lexi..you just need to tell you that you can't do it, I know that in the end that she will see it's for the best, she will see that your doing what's best for her and she will see that it will all be okay" he said as she leant in and kissed him

Lacey knew how hard that things were and she knew that none of it was easy and she knew that she was scared and she knew how she wanted to make it work and how none of it was easy but she didn't care. She knew that this was what she wanted

"We're having a baby and I promise that it's all going to be okay" Tom said as Lacey looked to him and smiled

She was excited that she and Tom were finally having a baby but she also knew just how scared that she was

Lacey got to work and looked to see Alexis and sighed. She knew that she needed to talk to her "are you going to be okay babe" Tom asked as Lacey looked to him and smiled

"I'll be okay. I have you and I'll be okay" she said as she leant in and kissed her. She looked to Alexis as she followed her to the common room as Tom walked to the staffroom

"Alexis, a word" Lacey said as Alexis looked to her and smiled as she followed her to her classroom

"Have you thought over what I suggested over the bay" Alexis asked as Lacey nodded

"I have but I can't take your baby, it's not right and I can't do it to you" Lacey said as Alexis frowned

"It's okay. I know that this baby would be gonig to great parents" Alexis said

"Yeah but that's not why I can't do it. I can't do it because you're my sister and I can't raise a child..your child under your nose. If your serious over adoption I'll help you but me and Tom. We can't do that to you and I'm sorry" Lacey said as Alexis bosses

"I get it. I only wanted to help you. I know how much you want a baby" Alexis said as Lacey felt nauseous as she grabbed her water off of the side and took a sip.

Lacey knew how she wanted to keep her pregnancy between her and Tom for now "Tom and I will have a baby soon, you don't need to worry I'm sorry Lex" Lacey said as Alexis nodded before she walked out of the room

Lacey walked into toms classroom and smiled "how did Alexis take it" he asked as she smiled

"She was upset, I think she will still look at adoption. She's my sister and I do want to help her but I can't take her baby. We're having our own after all" Lacey said as Tom placed a hand on her stomach and smiled

"And your going to be the best mum ever" he said as he pulled her close and kissed her

Lacey knew how it wad a mess and how it all scared her but after everything was she and Tom ready to be parents?

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