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Lacey lay in bed with Tom and smirked as she looked to him

"what are you thinking about" he asked as she smirked

"us, how good we are together and how much I love how we are making this work" she said as she straddled him. Tom looked to her and smirked as he gripped her waist and looked to her and smirked

"i know, I know it's good and I am glad that after all that we have been thought that we can actually do this as I guess part of me thought we couldn't because of our past and the impossible decision that we made" Tom said as Lacey smiled

"you mean what Alexis is going through, I know how she is feeling being young and pregnant and how scared she is and I do want to be there for her and help her but it's not easy as it brings up so many memories" Lacey said as Tom flipped her and smirked as he looked to her and smirked

"I know it's hard but what we did was for the best, for our son" he said as she smiled,

Lacey pulled Tom to her as he pushed into her, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close as he started to move on and out of her

Lacey got to the hospital with Alexis as she attended a scan. Lacey looked to her sister and smiled, she could see how nervous Alexis was other the whole situation

"I know that you are scared and how you didn't plan this, getting pregnant so young and it being mum coming with you but you know it will be okay, in the end things so work out" Lacey said as Alexis looked to her and smiled

"I know and I am scared but I am glad that you are here, I am glad that you are doing this with me as mum is supportive and the dad, well that's complicated and you have been through it, I mean we aren't having the same options but you have been through it and you know how it feels the feel so scared and afraid by it all. I am glad at you are here for me" Alexis said as Lacey looked to her sister and smiled as she pulled her into a hug and smiled

"and so am I and I promise I you that I am not going anywhere, you are my little sister and I love you and will always be here for you no matter what" Lacey said as Alexis looked to her and smiled

Lacey lay in bed as she looked to Tom and smiled. Lacey knew how she and Tom had been through so much snd she loved him snd she knew how Tom had talked over them having a baby together and she knew it scared and worried her but Lacey was starting to think over it.

She was starting to consider what it would be like for them to have about baby and have a family but knowing what happened last time that they had a baby was Lacey prepared to go through being pregnant again knowing how it would bring back bad memories and how she had to give up her baby for adoption.

Lacey knew whatever she decided it wouldn't be easy

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